team-track is a tool designed to bulk-scrape team award history from the FIRST website.
use this tool sparingly. if you're downloading a huge amount of data, it's going to put a large-ish load on FIRST's servers.
if you're going to try to download the complete award history for all teams out there, i'd recommend doing so in batches, of, say, 500 or so.
team-track requires node.js to run and git to download the source files. once you've installed both, you should be able to download and install team-track via:
git clone
cd ./team-track
npm install
node index 604 604
node index 1 500
node index 1 500 > awards.csv
node cleanup awards.csv > awards-formatted.csv
to build team-track from its coffeescript source files, run:
cake build
none are currently written. i'd rather not burden FIRST's servers with them.