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An php psr4 Autoloader which is autoloading from a remote server.


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An php PSR-4[?] Autoloader Client which is autoloading from one or more remote servers. With remote Classmap and Aliases.


If you want to build an API Server for this client, you can install my Package frdl/codebase.

This is recommended for larger projects, please use my API Server only for testing, if want to use it productionaly or need a larger amount of load, please contact me! You can also contact me if you need any help with my packages, or if you need a webhosting plan!

Optionaly you can configure the client, e.g. to load from githubs without a central server.


  $loader = \frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloader::getInstance('', true, 'latest', true);


With (custom) configuration

  • Classmap (with PSR4 and Alias)
  • Cache Settings
$config = [
    'FRDL_UPDATE_CHANNEL' => 'latest',  // stable | latest
    'FRDL_REMOTE_PSR4_CACHE_DIR'=> \sys_get_temp_dir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. \get_current_user()
     'FRDL_REMOTE_PSR4_CACHE_LIMIT'=>	24 * 60 * 60,                                

 // $workspace is the DEFAULT Psr4 Server
 // e.g.: $workspace = ''. $config['FRDL_UPDATE_CHANNEL'].'/?source=${class}&salt=${salt}&source-encoding=b64'
 $loader =  call_user_func(function($config,$workspace){
    return \frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::getInstance($workspace, false, $config['FRDL_UPDATE_CHANNEL'], false, false, 
	/*Classmap (with PSR4 and Alias)*/
       // (CLASSMAP) Concrete Classes:     
        \frdlweb\Thread\ShutdownTasks::class => '',
        \Webfan\Webfat\Jeytill::class => '',	  
       // (PSR4) NAMESPACES   = \\ at the end:
      'frdl\\Proxy\\' => '${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}',    	    
      // ALIAS = @ as first char:
      '@Webfan\\Autoloader\\Remote' => __CLASS__,	 
      // ALIAS works with PSR4-Namespace too:   
      //Versions at Webfan:
	  // Default/Fallback Versions Server:
	\webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => '${salt}&source=webfan\hps\Format\DataUri',	    
	 // Stable/Current Versions Server:   
        //\webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => '${salt}&source=webfan\hps\Format\DataUri',	    
	// Latest/Beta Versions Server:    
	// \webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => '${salt}&source=webfan\hps\Format\DataUri',
 }, $config,''. $config['FRDL_UPDATE_CHANNEL'].'/?source=${class}&salt=${salt}&source-encoding=b64');

more examples...

/** More Examples: */
   	'@'.\BetterReflection\Reflection\ReflectionFunction::class => \Roave\BetterReflection\BetterReflection::class,   
   	'@'.\BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Exception\TwoClosuresOneLine::class => 
  	        \Webfan\Webfat\MainModule::class => 
//Conrete class AND namespace: ORDER matters!
//Classmaps SHOULD be sorted DESC in most cases, CLASS should be listed BEFORE namespace if equal FQN.
   	\Webfan\Webfat\Module::class => '${salt}',
   	'Webfan\Webfat\Module\\' => '${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}', 
   	'Webfan\Webfat\Intent\\' => '${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}',    		 \Pimple::class => '',
   	'Task\Plugin\Console\\' => '${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}',
   	'Task\\' => '${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}',

Register Autoloader

// Prepend autoloader to autoloader-stack:
// $loader->register(true);

Prepend Autoloader: If you like to prepend the autoloader you have to set the public static variable allwaysAppendAutoloader to false, before registering the autoloader!

public static $alwaysAppendLoader = true;
\frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloader::$alwaysAppendLoader = $loader::$alwaysAppendLoader = false;

This is not recommended as this loader loads from remote, for performance you should prefer your local classes (in production e.g.).

With (custom) validators

See methods:

  • ->withBeforeMiddleware()
  • ->withAfterMiddleware()
  • ->withWebfanWebfatDefaultSettings()

  $publicKeyChanged = false;
  $increaseTimelimit = true;

 $setPublicKey = function($baseUrl,$expFile, $pubKeyFile){
          $expires = intval(file_get_contents($expFile));
           $expires = 0;
	   if($expires > 0 && ($expires === time() || ($expires > time() - 3 && $expires < time() + 3))){
      if($expires <= time()  || !file_exists($pubKeyFile) ){
		  	$opts =[
            //'header'=>"Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip\r\n",
		  $context = stream_context_create($opts);
		  $key = file_get_contents($baseUrl.'source=@server.key', false, $context);
		  foreach($http_response_header as $i => $header){				
                   $h = explode(':', $header);
			if('x-frdlweb-source-expires' === strtolower(trim($h[0]))){
				file_put_contents($expFile, trim($h[1]) );
		  file_put_contents($pubKeyFile, $key);

 $getDefaultValidatorForUrl = function($baseUrl, $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit = true) use($setPublicKey, &$publicKeyChanged) {
     $expFile =  rtrim($cacheDir, '\\/ ') .	\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'validator-'.sha1($baseUrl).strlen($baseUrl).'.expires.txt';
	 $pubKeyFile =  rtrim($cacheDir, '\\/ ') .	\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'validator-'.sha1($baseUrl).strlen($baseUrl).'.public-key.txt';
     $setPublicKey($baseUrl,$expFile, $pubKeyFile);

	 $condition = function($url, &$loader, $class) use($baseUrl, $increaseTimelimit){
			set_time_limit(min(180, intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) + 90));

		if($baseUrl === substr($url, 0, strlen($baseUrl) ) ){
			return true;	  
		  return false;	
     $cb = null; 
     $filter = function($code, &$loader, $class, $c = 0) use(&$cb, $baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile, $setPublicKey, &$publicKeyChanged) {
		$sep = 'X19oYWx0X2NvbXBpbGVyKCk7'; 
        $public_key = file_get_contents($pubKeyFile);
    list($plain_data,$sigdata) = explode(base64_decode($sep), $my_signed_data, 2);
    list($nullVoid,$old_sig_1) = explode("----SIGNATURE:----", $sigdata, 2);
    list($old_sig,$ATTACHMENT) = explode("----ATTACHMENT:----", $old_sig_1, 2);
	 $old_sig = base64_decode($old_sig);	 
	 $ATTACHMENT = base64_decode($ATTACHMENT);
      return new \Exception("ERROR -- unsigned data");
    \openssl_public_decrypt($old_sig, $decrypted_sig, $public_key);
    $data_hash = sha1($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT).substr(str_pad(strlen($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT).'', 128, strlen($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT) % 10, \STR_PAD_LEFT), 0, 128);
    if($decrypted_sig === $data_hash && strlen($data_hash)>0){
        return $plain_data;
		if(!$publicKeyChanged && $c <= 1){
		   $publicKeyChanged = true;
		   $setPublicKey($baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile);
		   return $cb($code, $loader, $class, $c);	
        return new \Exception("ERROR -- untrusted signature");
    $cb = $filter;
   return [$condition, $filter];

 $getDefaultValidators = function($cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit = true) use($getDefaultValidatorForUrl) {
    return [
         $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit),
         $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit),
  	 $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit),

     foreach($getDefaultValidators($cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit) as $validator){
	    $loader->withAfterMiddleware($validator[0], $validator[1]);
     	  $loader->withBeforeMiddleware(function($class, &$loader){
		       case \DI\Compiler\Compiler::class :
			       $aDir = dirname($loader->file($class));
				  mkdir($aDir, 0755, true);       
			       $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Template.php';
				  file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents(''));     
			       return true;
			    return true;
	    /*   return true;  return false to skip this autoloader, return any/VOID to continue */

Presets per App and PHP Version

To bundle presets and cache them, to load faster in the next requests you can use the method

  • ->getClassmapFor The Webfan API provides an endpoint to fetch bundled classmaps with the classes of an app/group and for a specific PHP Version. Currently Frdlweb will possible deprecate PHP 7 support for new products, but possible will support >=7+ and >=8+. The $version parameter should be enum of latest, stable and legacy. The $app parameter default or * bundles most of the Framework classes, further you currently can specify the apps
  • io4
  • frdl/codebase | codebase
  • webfan | webfat | webfan-website | webfan-webfat
public function getClassmapFor(string $app, string $version, string $phpVersion = \PHP_VERSION, int | bool $cache = true) : array | bool

Requsts the following API endpoint: ` curl -X 'GET'
-H 'accept: /'


A successful response looks like (classmap in result member)

  "code": 200,
  "message": "Your (remote-fetcher-) classmap was generated in the result property.",
  "for": {
    "app": "default",
    "version": "latest",
    "php_version": "8.2"
  "result": {
    "@frdl\\Facades": "Webfan\\FacadesManager",
    "Webfan\\ComposerAdapter\\": "${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}",
    "Webfan\\Codebase\\Server\\BundleExportHelper": "\\Codebase\\Server\\BundleExportHelper&salt=${salt}",
    "WMDE\\VueJsTemplating\\": "${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}",
    "   ...   ": "   ...   "

To load the classmap corresponding to the PHP version you are running, from cache or API, and attatch the classmaps autoload definitions to the $loader immediately, you can use the method

  • ->withClassmapFor
withClassmapFor(string $app, string $version, string $phpVersion = \PHP_VERSION, int | bool $cache = true)