- Father & Son Patch Sequencer: 16 scene, polyphonic patch matrix
- Debug: Polyphonic volt meter / sample & hold / and noise source
- Laundry Soup: Polyphonic, text-based trigger sequencer
- I Love Cookies: Signal/CV sequencer, programmed by text input
- Oh Peas! Quad Quantenuverter: Polyphonic 4-Channel attenuverter, offsetter, quantizer
- Horse a Doodle Doo: Polyphonic complex trigger & CV Sequencer. Turn one knob, generate a trigger and CV sequence
- Knoly Pobs: 16 knobs, polyphonic output
- Boly Puttons: 16 latch buttons. Optional A/B inputs. Polyphonic output
- Roly Pouter: Re-routes the channels of a polyphonic signal
- Soly Pequencer: Sequentially outputs the individual channel voltages of a polyphonic signal
- Toly Pools: Rotate a polyphonic signal, set/get/display polyphonic channel count
- Moly Patrix: Polyphonic matrix mixer
- Goly Penerator: Generate constant polyphonic CV via various algorithms
- Foly Pace: Draws a photorealistic face. Use polyphonic input for maximum weirdness
- Stoly Fick Pigure: Dancing stick figure. Use polyphonic input for the sickest moves
- Custom Blank: Resizable blank module. Load your own image file (PNG, JPEG, BMP, or Animated GIF)