This repo contains implementation of our paper
Handling Homographs in Neural Machine Translation
The code extends OpenNMT and include variations of source word embedding to tackle the problem of homographs.
Please checkout their github page for the latest information.
GPU training requires:
Multi-GPU training additionally requires:
OpenNMT consists of three commands:
- Preprocess the data.
th preprocess.lua -train_src wmt_en_de/train.en -train_tgt wmt_en_de/ -valid_src wmt_en_de/newstest2013.en -valid_tgt wmt_en_de/ -save_data wmt_en_de/preprocessed
- Train the model.
The command for the following setting
- -gate : use the gating mechanism to integrate context vector and word embedding
- -gating_type cbow : use nbow(cbow) as context network type
- -share : force the input embedding for the context network to share the parameters with the input for the main rnn
- -brnn : use bi-rnn as the main rnn
th train.lua -data wmt_en_de/preprocessed_ende-train.t7 -save_model model -gate -gating_type cbow -share -brnn -gpuid 1
The command for the following setting
- -concat : use the concat mechanism to integrate context vector and word embedding
- -gating_type contextBiEncoder : use a bi-encoder as context network type
- -share : force the input embedding for the context network to share the parameters with the input for the main rnn
- -brnn : use bi-rnn as the main rnn
th train.lua -data wmt_en_de/preprocessed_ende-train.t7 -save_model model -concat -gating_type contextBiEncoder -share -brnn -gpuid 1
- Translate sentences.
The command for the following setting
- -gate : use the gating mechanism to integrate context vector and word embedding
- -gating_type cbow : use nbow(cbow) as context network type
th translate.lua -gate -gating_type cbow -model model_final.t7 -src wmt_en_de/newstest2014.en -tgt wmt_en_de/ -output pred.txt -replace_unk -gpuid 1
- Note
The input options must match for the contextNetwork during the training process and the translating process.