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Bryan Drewery edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Release Notes


  • HTML: Fix failed origin column.
  • testport -c: Don't read host /etc/make.conf
  • testport: Avoid reading ports files outside jail for FLAVOR/DEPENDS_ARGS
  • Avoid using injail on system.
  • ports/jail -c NOZFS: Consider non-empty-already-existing-directory a failure
  • Fix usage printout before system is setup.
  • jail -c: Replace colon in JAILMNT to avoid PATH issues in buildworld.
  • image: Setup PKG ABI properly
  • FORCE_MOUNT_HASH: Support yes/no.
  • FORCE_MOUNT_HASH: Fix due to improper logic.
  • Record lld failures as lld_linker_error.
  • options -p: Warn/confirm if in a TTY about overwriting older options directory.
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