This is the basic example provided free by Unity, modified to load assets belonging to a user's web3 address into the game, so that they can be used by the player.
You can see a demo of it running here:
If you're short on time, read:
Section 1 for to get a web3 address from the Freeverse marketplace into a Unity WebGL application
Section 2.2 - particularly GraphQL.cs and CharacterSetup.cs for how to read Freeverse API from within Unity
The user logs into the Freeverse webmarket, and when clicking the Play button the game is loaded within an iframe. The web3 address of the user logged into the marketplace is passed in encrypted form as a url parameter to the iframe.
In this example, the web3 address is decrypted within the javascript of the Unity web player, though a more secure solution would be to do this decryption within the Unity binary using Nethereum.
- Browserfied bundle created from main.js in this repo:
- mostly standard, but references bundle.js from above
- loadAll function decrypts the encrypted key using the functions in bundle.js
- line: unityInstance.SendMessage("UserID", "SetFV_ID", theID); sends decrypted web3 address to unity binary - this message is sent to an component of an object in the first scene, which then passes it to a singleton within the game.
The following section discusses changes this example makes to the boilerplate demo provided by Unity.
- GameObject UserID has ReceiveBrowserData component to receive web3 address from browser
- modified to include a button to go to select character screen
- new scene which permits the player to select a character
- modified to include all four character 'Minifigs' at startup, which are disabled/enabled based on selected character
- modified GameManager object to include a new ConfigStatic component (see scripts section below)
- Static configuration file, stores freeverse API URL, universe ID, and character variables to be passed from CharacterSelect scene to LegoTutorial scene
- super simple GraphQL client for Unity, doesn't even support variables!
- Contains classes for receiving parsed GraphQL data. Recommend using to create these classes.
- Recommend testing queries first in GraphQL playground of FreeverseAPI
- FIRST QUERY: gets optimistic list of assets belonging to web3 address of user
- SECOND QUERY: uses this list to query API for properties of these assets
- Parses second query and passes information (character type, speed, jump) to CharacterDisplay component
- Fills information on each character within the elements in the scene
- Play button calls LoadSceneButtonFromCharacterSelect.cs
- Passes information from selected CharacterDisplay to ConfigStatic.js
- Loads LegoTutorial scene
- within LegoTutorialScene
- reads ConfigStatic.cs, activates/deactivates relevant characters in scene, sets jump and speed parameters
- attached to object in first scene, acts as a container for function that can be called from the browser js to pass the web3 address