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Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant edited this page Oct 29, 2011 · 4 revisions

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Start a REPL in namespace logic-introduction.numbers.

Feedback to!/ambrosebs

Numbers are defined recursively. Zero is 0, and the next number is the previous, but wrapped in a list.

logic-introduction.numbers=> zero
logic-introduction.numbers=> one
logic-introduction.numbers=> two
logic-introduction.numbers=> three

s returns the next number after its argument.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (s one)
logic-introduction.numbers=> (s four)

q is the number after zero.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (== q (s zero)))

q is the number before one.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (== one (s q)))

q is the number before zero.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (== zero (s q)))

We can only represent non-negative numbers.

Question: Do we need a function p, that returns the previous number of its argument?

Let's define a relation called natural-number.

(defn natural-number [x]
  "A relation where x is a natural number"
  (matche [x]
          ([(s ?x)] (natural-number ?x))))

What can this relation do?

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number one))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number two))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number q))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 6 [q]
                                  (natural-number q))
(0 (0) ((0)) (((0))) ((((0)))) (((((0))))))

Let's revise the documentation string for natural-number.

"A relation where x is a natural number"

This reads like a constraint: x is a natural number.

We read this "one is a natural number".

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number one))

This satisfies the constraint.

The logic engine has some surprisingly flexible ways of satisfying this constraint

We read this "q is a natural number".

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number q))

The constraint is satisfied by assigning q to zero.

What happens if we ask for six results?

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 6 [q]
                                  (natural-number q))
(0 (0) ((0)) (((0))) ((((0)))) (((((0))))))

We get six values, each satisfying the constraint.

We read this "\a is a natural number".

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (natural-number \a))

The constraint cannot be satisfied.

Let's define a relation called <=o.

(defn <=o [x y]
  "x and y are natural numbers, such that x is less than or
  equal to y"
  (matche [x y]
          ([zero _] (natural-number y))
          ([(s ?x) (s ?y)] (<=o ?x ?y))))

What can this relation do?

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (<=o one two))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (<=o two one))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (<=o one q))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 4 [q]
                                  (<=o one q))
((0) ((0)) (((0))) ((((0)))))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run* [q]
                                   (<=o q two))
(0 (0) ((0)))

What are the constraints to satisfy this relation?

"x and y are natural numbers, such that x is less than or equal to y"

We read this "one and two are natural numbers, such that one is less than or equal to two".

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (<=o one two))

The relation is satisfied.

one is less than or equal to q, and retrieve 4 results.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 4 [q]
                                  (<=o one q))
((0) ((0)) (((0))) ((((0)))))

One, and the next three numbers after one each satisfy this constraint.

q is less than or equal to two, and collect all results.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run* [q]
                                   (<=o q two))
(0 (0) ((0)))

There are only 3 numbers less than or equal to two.

Let's define a relation called plus.

(defn plus [x y z]
  "x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the sum of
  x and y"
  (matche [x y z]
          ([zero ?x ?x] (natural-number ?x))
          ([(s ?x) _ (s ?z)] (plus ?x y ?z))))

What can this relation do?

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                   (plus one two three))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (plus one q two))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (plus q q two))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 3 [q]
                                  (plus q zero q))
(0 (0) ((0)))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 3 [q]
                                  (fresh [x y z]
                                         (== q [x y z])
                                         (plus x y z)))
([0 0 0] [0 (0) (0)] [0 ((0)) ((0))])

What are the constraints to satisfy this relation?

"x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the sum of x and y"

three is the sum of one and two.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                   (plus one two three))

The relation is satisfied.

three is the sum of one and q.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (plus one q three))

Equivalently, one is the subtraction of q from three.

Exercise 1: Implement the relation subtract in terms of plus with this constraint:

"x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the subtraction of y from x"

Let's define a relation called times.

(defn times [x y z]
  "x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the product
  of x and y"
  (matche [x y z]
          ([zero _ zero])
          ([(s ?x) _ _] (fresh [xy]
                               (times ?x y xy)
                               (plus xy y z)))))

What are the constraints to satisfy this relation?

"x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the product of x and y"

What can this relation do?

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (times one three three))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (times one three q))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 2 [q]
                                  (times q q q))
(0 (0))
logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (times two q six))

six is the product of two and q.

logic-introduction.numbers=> (run 1 [q]
                                  (times two q six))

Equivalently, q is the result of six divided by two.

Exercise 2: Implement the relation divide in terms of times with this constraint:

"x, y, and z are natural numbers such that z is the result of x divided by y"

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