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Wil Wade edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

While some errors are reported back with details, some errors may only have an index number and an error hex code. This can be used to look up the most common error cases.

The index is based on the particular pallet and the error hex code is the specific error inside the pallet.

Note: Hex error codes are little endian.

Updated Version: v1.7.1

Index 0: System


  • Error: 0x00000000 InvalidSpecName
    • The name of specification does not match between the current runtime and the new runtime.
  • Error: 0x01000000 SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease
    • The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime and the new runtime.
  • Error: 0x02000000 FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion
    • Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.
  • Error: 0x03000000 NonDefaultComposite
    • Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data.
  • Error: 0x04000000 NonZeroRefCount
    • There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.
  • Error: 0x05000000 CallFiltered
    • The origin filter prevent the call to be dispatched.

Index 1: ParachainSystem


  • Error: 0x00000000 OverlappingUpgrades
    • Attempt to upgrade validation function while existing upgrade pending.
  • Error: 0x01000000 ProhibitedByPolkadot
    • Polkadot currently prohibits this parachain from upgrading its validation function.
  • Error: 0x02000000 TooBig
    • The supplied validation function has compiled into a blob larger than Polkadot is willing to run.
  • Error: 0x03000000 ValidationDataNotAvailable
    • The inherent which supplies the validation data did not run this block.
  • Error: 0x04000000 HostConfigurationNotAvailable
    • The inherent which supplies the host configuration did not run this block.
  • Error: 0x05000000 NotScheduled
    • No validation function upgrade is currently scheduled.
  • Error: 0x06000000 NothingAuthorized
    • No code upgrade has been authorized.
  • Error: 0x07000000 Unauthorized
    • The given code upgrade has not been authorized.

Index 2: Timestamp



Index 3: ParachainInfo



Index 4: Sudo


  • Error: 0x00000000 RequireSudo
    • Sender must be the Sudo account

Index 5: Preimage


  • Error: 0x00000000 TooBig
    • Preimage is too large to store on-chain.
  • Error: 0x01000000 AlreadyNoted
    • Preimage has already been noted on-chain.
  • Error: 0x02000000 NotAuthorized
    • The user is not authorized to perform this action.
  • Error: 0x03000000 NotNoted
    • The preimage cannot be removed since it has not yet been noted.
  • Error: 0x04000000 Requested
    • A preimage may not be removed when there are outstanding requests.
  • Error: 0x05000000 NotRequested
    • The preimage request cannot be removed since no outstanding requests exist.

Index 6: Democracy


  • Error: 0x00000000 ValueLow
    • Value too low
  • Error: 0x01000000 ProposalMissing
    • Proposal does not exist
  • Error: 0x02000000 AlreadyCanceled
    • Cannot cancel the same proposal twice
  • Error: 0x03000000 DuplicateProposal
    • Proposal already made
  • Error: 0x04000000 ProposalBlacklisted
    • Proposal still blacklisted
  • Error: 0x05000000 NotSimpleMajority
    • Next external proposal not simple majority
  • Error: 0x06000000 InvalidHash
    • Invalid hash
  • Error: 0x07000000 NoProposal
    • No external proposal
  • Error: 0x08000000 AlreadyVetoed
    • Identity may not veto a proposal twice
  • Error: 0x09000000 ReferendumInvalid
    • Vote given for invalid referendum
  • Error: 0x0a000000 NoneWaiting
    • No proposals waiting
  • Error: 0x0b000000 NotVoter
    • The given account did not vote on the referendum.
  • Error: 0x0c000000 NoPermission
    • The actor has no permission to conduct the action.
  • Error: 0x0d000000 AlreadyDelegating
    • The account is already delegating.
  • Error: 0x0e000000 InsufficientFunds
    • Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford.
  • Error: 0x0f000000 NotDelegating
    • The account is not currently delegating.
  • Error: 0x10000000 VotesExist
    • The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed until these are removed, either through unvote or reap_vote.
  • Error: 0x11000000 InstantNotAllowed
    • The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed.
  • Error: 0x12000000 Nonsense
    • Delegation to oneself makes no sense.
  • Error: 0x13000000 WrongUpperBound
    • Invalid upper bound.
  • Error: 0x14000000 MaxVotesReached
    • Maximum number of votes reached.
  • Error: 0x15000000 TooMany
    • Maximum number of items reached.
  • Error: 0x16000000 VotingPeriodLow
    • Voting period too low
  • Error: 0x17000000 PreimageNotExist
    • The preimage does not exist.

Index 8: Scheduler


  • Error: 0x00000000 FailedToSchedule
    • Failed to schedule a call
  • Error: 0x01000000 NotFound
    • Cannot find the scheduled call.
  • Error: 0x02000000 TargetBlockNumberInPast
    • Given target block number is in the past.
  • Error: 0x03000000 RescheduleNoChange
    • Reschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.
  • Error: 0x04000000 Named
    • Attempt to use a non-named function on a named task.

Index 9: Utility


  • Error: 0x00000000 TooManyCalls
    • Too many calls batched.

Index 10: Balances


  • Error: 0x00000000 VestingBalance
    • Vesting balance too high to send value.
  • Error: 0x01000000 LiquidityRestrictions
    • Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal.
  • Error: 0x02000000 InsufficientBalance
    • Balance too low to send value.
  • Error: 0x03000000 ExistentialDeposit
    • Value too low to create account due to existential deposit.
  • Error: 0x04000000 Expendability
    • Transfer/payment would kill account.
  • Error: 0x05000000 ExistingVestingSchedule
    • A vesting schedule already exists for this account.
  • Error: 0x06000000 DeadAccount
    • Beneficiary account must pre-exist.
  • Error: 0x07000000 TooManyReserves
    • Number of named reserves exceed MaxReserves.
  • Error: 0x08000000 TooManyHolds
    • Number of holds exceed MaxHolds.
  • Error: 0x09000000 TooManyFreezes
    • Number of freezes exceed MaxFreezes.

Index 11: TransactionPayment



Index 12: Council


  • Error: 0x00000000 NotMember
    • Account is not a member
  • Error: 0x01000000 DuplicateProposal
    • Duplicate proposals not allowed
  • Error: 0x02000000 ProposalMissing
    • Proposal must exist
  • Error: 0x03000000 WrongIndex
    • Mismatched index
  • Error: 0x04000000 DuplicateVote
    • Duplicate vote ignored
  • Error: 0x05000000 AlreadyInitialized
    • Members are already initialized!
  • Error: 0x06000000 TooEarly
    • The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
  • Error: 0x07000000 TooManyProposals
    • There can only be a maximum of MaxProposals active proposals.
  • Error: 0x08000000 WrongProposalWeight
    • The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
  • Error: 0x09000000 WrongProposalLength
    • The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
  • Error: 0x0a000000 PrimeAccountNotMember
    • Prime account is not a member

Index 13: TechnicalCommittee


  • Error: 0x00000000 NotMember
    • Account is not a member
  • Error: 0x01000000 DuplicateProposal
    • Duplicate proposals not allowed
  • Error: 0x02000000 ProposalMissing
    • Proposal must exist
  • Error: 0x03000000 WrongIndex
    • Mismatched index
  • Error: 0x04000000 DuplicateVote
    • Duplicate vote ignored
  • Error: 0x05000000 AlreadyInitialized
    • Members are already initialized!
  • Error: 0x06000000 TooEarly
    • The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
  • Error: 0x07000000 TooManyProposals
    • There can only be a maximum of MaxProposals active proposals.
  • Error: 0x08000000 WrongProposalWeight
    • The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
  • Error: 0x09000000 WrongProposalLength
    • The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
  • Error: 0x0a000000 PrimeAccountNotMember
    • Prime account is not a member

Index 14: Treasury


  • Error: 0x00000000 InsufficientProposersBalance
    • Proposer’s balance is too low.
  • Error: 0x01000000 InvalidIndex
    • No proposal or bounty at that index.
  • Error: 0x02000000 TooManyApprovals
    • Too many approvals in the queue.
  • Error: 0x03000000 InsufficientPermission
    • The spend origin is valid but the amount it is allowed to spend is lower than the amount to be spent.
  • Error: 0x04000000 ProposalNotApproved
    • Proposal has not been approved.

Index 20: Authorship



Index 21: CollatorSelection


  • Error: 0x00000000 TooManyCandidates
    • The pallet has too many candidates.
  • Error: 0x01000000 TooFewEligibleCollators
    • Leaving would result in too few candidates.
  • Error: 0x02000000 AlreadyCandidate
    • Account is already a candidate.
  • Error: 0x03000000 NotCandidate
    • Account is not a candidate.
  • Error: 0x04000000 TooManyInvulnerables
    • There are too many Invulnerables.
  • Error: 0x05000000 AlreadyInvulnerable
    • Account is already an Invulnerable.
  • Error: 0x06000000 NotInvulnerable
    • Account is not an Invulnerable.
  • Error: 0x07000000 NoAssociatedValidatorId
    • Account has no associated validator ID.
  • Error: 0x08000000 ValidatorNotRegistered
    • Validator ID is not yet registered.

Index 22: Session


  • Error: 0x00000000 InvalidProof
    • Invalid ownership proof.
  • Error: 0x01000000 NoAssociatedValidatorId
    • No associated validator ID for account.
  • Error: 0x02000000 DuplicatedKey
    • Registered duplicate key.
  • Error: 0x03000000 NoKeys
    • No keys are associated with this account.
  • Error: 0x04000000 NoAccount
    • Key setting account is not live, so it’s impossible to associate keys.

Index 23: Aura



Index 24: AuraExt



Index 30: Multisig


  • Error: 0x00000000 MinimumThreshold
    • Threshold must be 2 or greater.
  • Error: 0x01000000 AlreadyApproved
    • Call is already approved by this signatory.
  • Error: 0x02000000 NoApprovalsNeeded
    • Call doesn’t need any (more) approvals.
  • Error: 0x03000000 TooFewSignatories
    • There are too few signatories in the list.
  • Error: 0x04000000 TooManySignatories
    • There are too many signatories in the list.
  • Error: 0x05000000 SignatoriesOutOfOrder
    • The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered.
  • Error: 0x06000000 SenderInSignatories
    • The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn’t be.
  • Error: 0x07000000 NotFound
    • Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel.
  • Error: 0x08000000 NotOwner
    • Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.
  • Error: 0x09000000 NoTimepoint
    • No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway.
  • Error: 0x0a000000 WrongTimepoint
    • A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway.
  • Error: 0x0b000000 UnexpectedTimepoint
    • A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway.
  • Error: 0x0c000000 MaxWeightTooLow
    • The maximum weight information provided was too low.
  • Error: 0x0d000000 AlreadyStored
    • The data to be stored is already stored.

Index 40: TimeRelease


  • Error: 0x00000000 ZeroReleasePeriod
    • Release period is zero
  • Error: 0x01000000 ZeroReleasePeriodCount
    • Period-count is zero
  • Error: 0x02000000 InsufficientBalanceToLock
    • Insufficient amount of balance to lock
  • Error: 0x03000000 TooManyReleaseSchedules
    • This account have too many release schedules
  • Error: 0x04000000 AmountLow
    • The transfer amount is too low
  • Error: 0x05000000 MaxReleaseSchedulesExceeded
    • Failed because the maximum release schedules was exceeded

Index 60: Msa


  • Error: 0x00000000 KeyAlreadyRegistered
    • Tried to add a key that was already registered to an MSA
  • Error: 0x01000000 MsaIdOverflow
    • MsaId values have reached the maximum
  • Error: 0x02000000 MsaOwnershipInvalidSignature
    • Cryptographic signature verification failed for adding a key to MSA
  • Error: 0x03000000 NotMsaOwner
    • Ony the MSA Owner may perform the operation
  • Error: 0x04000000 InvalidSignature
    • Cryptographic signature failed verification
  • Error: 0x05000000 NotKeyOwner
    • Only the KeyOwner may perform the operation
  • Error: 0x06000000 NoKeyExists
    • An operation was attempted with an unknown Key
  • Error: 0x07000000 KeyLimitExceeded
    • The number of key values has reached its maximum
  • Error: 0x08000000 InvalidSelfRemoval
    • A transaction’s Origin (AccountId) may not remove itself
  • Error: 0x09000000 InvalidSelfProvider
    • An MSA may not be its own delegate
  • Error: 0x0a000000 InvalidSchemaId
    • An invalid schema Id was provided
  • Error: 0x0b000000 DuplicateProvider
    • The delegation relationship already exists for the given MSA Ids
  • Error: 0x0c000000 AddProviderSignatureVerificationFailed
    • Cryptographic signature verification failed for adding the Provider as delegate
  • Error: 0x0d000000 UnauthorizedDelegator
    • Origin attempted to add a delegate for someone else’s MSA
  • Error: 0x0e000000 UnauthorizedProvider
    • Origin attempted to add a different delegate than what was in the payload
  • Error: 0x0f000000 DelegationRevoked
    • The operation was attempted with a revoked delegation
  • Error: 0x10000000 DelegationNotFound
    • The operation was attempted with an unknown delegation
  • Error: 0x11000000 DuplicateProviderRegistryEntry
    • The MSA id submitted for provider creation has already been associated with a provider
  • Error: 0x12000000 ExceedsMaxProviderNameSize
    • The maximum length for a provider name has been exceeded
  • Error: 0x13000000 ExceedsMaxSchemaGrantsPerDelegation
    • The maximum number of schema grants has been exceeded
  • Error: 0x14000000 SchemaNotGranted
    • Provider is not permitted to publish for given schema_id
  • Error: 0x15000000 ProviderNotRegistered
    • The operation was attempted with a non-provider MSA
  • Error: 0x16000000 ProofHasExpired
    • The submitted proof has expired; the current block is less the expiration block
  • Error: 0x17000000 ProofNotYetValid
    • The submitted proof expiration block is too far in the future
  • Error: 0x18000000 SignatureAlreadySubmitted
    • Attempted to add a signature when the signature is already in the registry
  • Error: 0x19000000 NewKeyOwnershipInvalidSignature
    • Cryptographic signature verification failed for proving ownership of new public-key.
  • Error: 0x1a000000 CannotPredictValidityPastCurrentBlock
    • Attempted to request validity of schema permission or delegation in the future.
  • Error: 0x1b000000 SignatureRegistryLimitExceeded
    • Attempted to add a new signature to a full signature registry
  • Error: 0x1c000000 SignatureRegistryCorrupted
    • Attempted to add a new signature to a corrupt signature registry

Index 61: Messages


  • Error: 0x00000000 TooManyMessagesInBlock
    • Too many messages are added to existing block
  • Error: 0x01000000 ExceedsMaxMessagePayloadSizeBytes
    • Message payload size is too large
  • Error: 0x02000000 TypeConversionOverflow
    • Type Conversion Overflow
  • Error: 0x03000000 InvalidMessageSourceAccount
    • Invalid Message Source Account
  • Error: 0x04000000 InvalidSchemaId
    • Invalid SchemaId or Schema not found
  • Error: 0x05000000 UnAuthorizedDelegate
    • UnAuthorizedDelegate
  • Error: 0x06000000 InvalidPayloadLocation
    • Invalid payload location
  • Error: 0x07000000 UnsupportedCidVersion
    • Unsupported CID version
  • Error: 0x08000000 InvalidCid
    • Invalid CID

Index 62: Schemas


  • Error: 0x00000000 InvalidSchema
    • Schema is malformed
  • Error: 0x01000000 ExceedsMaxSchemaModelBytes
    • The schema model exceeds the maximum length allowed
  • Error: 0x02000000 LessThanMinSchemaModelBytes
    • The schema is less than the minimum length allowed
  • Error: 0x03000000 SchemaCountOverflow
    • CurrentSchemaIdentifierMaximum was attempted to overflow max, means MaxSchemaRegistrations is too big
  • Error: 0x04000000 InvalidSetting
    • Invalid setting for schema

Index 63: StatefulStorage


  • Error: 0x00000000 PageIdExceedsMaxAllowed
    • Page would exceed the highest allowable PageId
  • Error: 0x01000000 PageExceedsMaxPageSizeBytes
    • Page size exceeds max allowable page size
  • Error: 0x02000000 InvalidSchemaId
    • Invalid SchemaId or Schema not found
  • Error: 0x03000000 UnsupportedOperationForSchema
    • Unsupported operation for schema
  • Error: 0x04000000 SchemaPayloadLocationMismatch
    • Schema is not valid for storage model
  • Error: 0x05000000 InvalidMessageSourceAccount
    • Invalid Message Source Account
  • Error: 0x06000000 UnauthorizedDelegate
    • UnauthorizedDelegate
  • Error: 0x07000000 CorruptedState
    • Corrupted State
  • Error: 0x08000000 InvalidItemAction
    • Invalid item action
  • Error: 0x09000000 StalePageState
    • Target page hash does not match current page hash
  • Error: 0x0a000000 InvalidSignature
    • Invalid Signature for payload
  • Error: 0x0b000000 ProofHasExpired
    • The submitted proof has expired; the current block is less the expiration block
  • Error: 0x0c000000 ProofNotYetValid
    • The submitted proof expiration block is too far in the future

Index 64: Capacity


  • Error: 0x00000000 InvalidTarget
    • Staker attempted to stake to an invalid staking target.
  • Error: 0x01000000 InsufficientBalance
    • Capacity is not available for the given MSA.
  • Error: 0x02000000 InsufficientStakingAmount
    • Staker is attempting to stake an amount below the minimum amount.
  • Error: 0x03000000 ZeroAmountNotAllowed
    • Staker is attempting to stake a zero amount.
  • Error: 0x04000000 NotAStakingAccount
    • Origin has no Staking Account
  • Error: 0x05000000 NoUnstakedTokensAvailable
    • No staked value is available for withdrawal; either nothing is being unstaked, or nothing has passed the thaw period.
  • Error: 0x06000000 UnstakedAmountIsZero
    • Unstaking amount should be greater than zero.
  • Error: 0x07000000 AmountToUnstakeExceedsAmountStaked
    • Amount to unstake is greater than the amount staked.
  • Error: 0x08000000 StakingAccountNotFound
    • Attempting to unstake from a target that has not been staked to.
  • Error: 0x09000000 StakerTargetRelationshipNotFound
    • Attempting to get a staker / target relationship that does not exist.
  • Error: 0x0a000000 TargetCapacityNotFound
    • Attempting to get the target’s capacity that does not exist.
  • Error: 0x0b000000 MaxUnlockingChunksExceeded
    • Staker reached the limit number for the allowed amount of unlocking chunks.
  • Error: 0x0c000000 IncreaseExceedsAvailable
    • Increase Capacity increase exceeds the total available Capacity for target.
  • Error: 0x0d000000 MaxEpochLengthExceeded
    • Attempting to set the epoch length to a value greater than the max epoch length.
  • Error: 0x0e000000 BalanceTooLowtoStake
    • Staker is attempting to stake an amount that leaves a token balance below the minimum amount.

Index 65: FrequencyTxPayment


  • Error: 0x00000000 BatchedCallAmountExceedsMaximum
    • The maximum amount of requested batched calls was exceeded

Index 66: Handles


  • Error: 0x00000000 InvalidHandleEncoding
    • Invalid handle encoding (should be UTF-8)
  • Error: 0x01000000 InvalidHandleByteLength
    • Invalid handle byte length
  • Error: 0x02000000 InvalidHandleCharacterLength
    • Invalid handle character length
  • Error: 0x03000000 HandleIsNotAllowed
    • The handle name is reserved for chain use only
  • Error: 0x04000000 HandleContainsBlockedCharacters
    • The handle contains characters that are not allowed
  • Error: 0x05000000 HandleDoesNotConsistOfSupportedCharacterSets
    • The handle does not contain characters in the supported ranges of unicode characters
  • Error: 0x06000000 SuffixesExhausted
    • Suffixes exhausted
  • Error: 0x07000000 InvalidMessageSourceAccount
    • Invalid MSA
  • Error: 0x08000000 InvalidSignature
    • Cryptographic signature failed verification
  • Error: 0x09000000 MSAHandleAlreadyExists
    • The MSA already has a handle
  • Error: 0x0a000000 MSAHandleDoesNotExist
    • The MSA does not have a handle needed to retire it.
  • Error: 0x0b000000 ProofHasExpired
    • The submitted proof has expired; the current block is less the expiration block
  • Error: 0x0c000000 ProofNotYetValid
    • The submitted proof expiration block is too far in the future
  • Error: 0x0d000000 HandleWithinMortalityPeriod
    • The handle is still in mortaility window
  • Error: 0x0e000000 InvalidHandle
    • The handle is invalid
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