Releases: frerich/clcache
Releases · frerich/clcache
A terribly long time (over a year!) elapsed since the last release; this new version contains a nice set of bugfixes and feature improvements.
See the CHANGELOG file for all the details.
Besides the usual slew of bugfixes and optimizations, this release adds supports for using a memcached setup as the backend. These improvements are courtesy of @hubx - thanks a lot!
For a detailed list of changes, please see the CHANGELOG file.
Built with PyInstaller 3.2.1 and Python 3.4.4 x64 on Windows-2012ServerR2-6.3.9600.
Special thanks go to @tadeu and the ESSS/clcache-builder project for providing the packages!
For a detailed list of changes, please see the CHANGELOG file.