Script that shows traffic on TCP server. Written on C using libpcap to handle incoming packets and JavaScript to visualize. WebSockets are used to send data from server to browser. System shows TCP state diagram, logs (tcpdump) and states (number of connections and ips on each state).
You need root permissions to run program on your server. Connect to your server via terminal, upload files from backend folder and compile main.c
gcc main.c -o main -pthread -lpcap
Then execute program with any port
./main 8088
Open frontend/js/diagram.js
and modify host and port
var host = "",
ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + host + ":8088/echo");
Now you can monitor traffic on your server. To run a lot of random traffic from your machine, open terminal and run this command
touch /tmp/run; while [ -f /tmp/run ]; do for i in {1..30}; do curl >/dev/null 2>&1 & done; wait; echo RUN; done
To stop it use this command in new terminal window
rm /tmp/run