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An experiment in implementing simple filtering expressions


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Goal of this project

Implement simple filtering expressions. Simple means, there is not much in the way of ambiguity or surprise when writing expressions. The filter in this case means, it is conceived as a way to filter some arbitrary data.

The glue between expression evaluation and the data is the trait Accessor.

This is very much an experiment, there are things that make no sense, are redundant and/or just plain inefficient...

  • Expressions follow a c-like syntax
  • There are nearly none mathematical operations
  • An arbitrary number of expressions can be chained together using && and || operators. expressions together
  • Strings and integers can be used
  • Identifiers that will resolve to some data that is to be filtered can be used
  • Matches against regular expressions
  • I am not claiming correctness, however there are some tests that give me some confidence that it is doing what I think it should be doing
  • Invalid regexes will quietly be replaced by something that never matches
  • Empty strings, or strings which can be converted to a 0 will be evaluated as false


  • ctx =~ /e/ && ((app =~ /HMI/ && ts > 0) || flags & 0x100)
  • ctx =~ !/e/
  • 1
  • 0
  • "0" == 0
  • !(1 == 0)

For more examples check the tests and main


  • This project uses the awesome nom to implement its parser.
  • Furthermore I rely on rustyline to provide line editing and history (by really just copying what its introduction provides).


I used pest to prototype the grammar, so this is what I followed mostly. I opted to make whitespaces explicit, as there are places they should not just be skipped/accepted:

simpleExpr = { ws* ~ andExpr ~ ws* ~ (or ~ simpleExpr)? | andExpr }
andExpr = { ws* ~ relExpr ~ ws* ~ (and ~ andExpr)? | relExpr }
relExpr = { ws* ~ sumExpr ~ ws* ~ (relop ~ relExpr)? | sumExpr }
sumExpr = { ws* ~ unaryExpr ~ ws* ~ (sumop ~ sumExpr)? | unaryExpr }
relop = { "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<" | "=~" }
sumop = { "&" }
unaryExpr = { ws* ~ unaryOp ~ unaryExpr | factor }
unaryOp = { "!" | "-" }
factor = { ws* ~ (identifier | numeral | string | parensExpr){1,1} }
string = { ws* ~ dquote ~ stringChars ~ dquote }
dquote = { "\"" }
stringChars = { (quoteChar | ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | (chars))* }
chars = { "." | "~" | "*" | "(" | ")" | "{" | "}" | "[" | "]" | " " | "_" | "-" | "+" | "/" | "`" | "´" | "$" | "%" | "§" | "@" | ":" | ";" | "#" | "'" | "=" | "!" | "^" | "°" }
quoteChar = { "\\" ~ ("\"" | "\\" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "f" | "v" | "0" ) }
parensExpr = _{ "(" ~ ws* ~ simpleExpr ~ ws* ~ ")" }
identifier = @{ name }
nameHead = { ASCII_ALPHA | "_" }
nameTail = { ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | "_" }
name = { nameHead ~ nameTail* | nameHead+ }
numeral = @{ ("0x" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT+) | ("0o" ~ ASCII_OCT_DIGIT+) | ("0b" ~ ASCII_BIN_DIGIT+) | ASCII_DIGIT+ }
or = { "||" }
and = { "&&" }
ws = { " " | "\t" }

Note that I since removed all traces of pest as I was not using it anymore.