You can use Emojifier to turn your images into beautiful "Emoji Mosaics".
The Emojifier works as follows: Images are divided to a grid, and finds the "best fit" emoji for each square in the grid using an Octree 🐙🌲.
Install python and pip
Install packages (specified at requirements.txt) You can install everything by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Install the ImageMagick CLI.
If you have trouble installing, talk to me (@frmsaul). I always have trouble setting up software too, so would love to help a fellow straggler.
You can emojify by running:
python [FLAGS]
Where the flags are specified here:
--company: <Brow|Chart|Appl|Goog|Twtr|One|FB|FBM|Sams|Wind|GMail|SB|DCM|KDDI>: the
emoji implementation
(default: 'Appl')
--emoji_size: The font size in the resulting html.May also be the size in pixels of
each emoji.outputed by the converter.
(default: '10')
(a positive integer)
--emojis_in_width: Number of emojis to compose
(default: '60')
(a non-negative integer)
--output_file: The output file, can be either .png or .html
(default: 'output.html')
--src_image: the image you want to transform, it may be either a local image or an
image from the world wide web
(default: '')
--[no]use_kd_tree: Use kd_tree instead of brute force.
(default: 'true')
--work_location: the location where the emojis will be generated
(default: '/tmp/Emojis')
python --src_image --output_file DarkSide.png
python --src_image --output_file DarkSide.html
python --src_image --output_file DarkSide.html --emojis_in_width 130
python --src_image --output_file DarkSide.png --emojis_in_width 130 --emoji_size 50
If you are using a small screen (like on a phone), these might not look too good because of break lines. If this is the case, I recommend checking this out on a larger screen. Meanwhile enjoy this html example, and this image: