Releases: froquede/skaterxl-walking-mod
Add a new step off mode if you enter walking mode while riding and faster than the set limit
- You can change the limit on the UMM options ("Step off velocity limit")
Sitting idle emote now uses the pelvis to define the height so its easier to sit in places
- If you want the same behavior on your own animation add the attribute "offset_pelvis": true in your JSON file, i will add the option into the BoneRecorder script later
Add new stairs running animation, it plays if you enter the stairs running and vice versa for walking
Change stairs height limit from .4 to .5 units
Throwdowns are more consistent in speed and should bug a lot less
Walking mode input is a lot more responsive now
Fix problems loading emotes under Documents folder
Add 4 frames to the animation crossfade
Slow interpolation to half speed on stumble transition
Tweak the default camera position and rotation speeds to 2x the rate and add bigger limits to the slider
Tweak running and walking animation speeds
Change infinity / void detection limit from 4 to 60 frames
Change skater depenetration velocity from 1 to 2