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Game Launcher

frostworx edited this page Jul 2, 2022 · 7 revisions

steamtinkerlaunch comes with a small Game Launcher, which starts selected games using the steam -applaunch parameter. The Launcher has several modes, which can be selected via Command Line:

  • Without additional command line parameters: steamtinkerlaunch launcher (will start the Game Launcher with all installed games)

  • Optional arguments for launcher are:

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher $CATEGORY (will show only the installed games in the steam collection $CATEGORY)

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher menu (will open a small menu with all available steam collections)

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher last (will open the last played game as 'menu')

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher auto (automatically creates/downloads required data for all installed games before opening the launcher with all installed games)

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher update (recreates the already auto-generated category menus - can be combined with auto')

  • steamtinkerlaunch launcher $INVALID (with any invalid parameter all faound valid Steam Collections will be listed)

The contents of the corresponding categories are auto-generated on the fly (in /dev/shm/) using Game Pictures and Game-Desktop-Files. With above auto both Game Pictures and Game-Desktop-Files are auto-generated/downloaded if missing.

steamtinkerlaunch Game Launcher

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