Released: 09/09/24 (dd/mm/yy)
Authored: Fsh org
You can find the original license at
This is not a open source license as of version 1.9 of the open source definition, it is a source-available license.
You may fork, copy, modify, and or change any part of the licensed material provided, all changed aspects shall fall under the same license.
You may distribute the licensed material, you must not monetize the distributed licensed material.
You may use the licensed material for any purposes, you must not monetize use of the licensed material but may monetize your material.
- You can't: Free softwere but pay to use the licensed material.
- You can: Free softwere and free usage of license material.
- You can: Paid softwere but licensed material at no additional cost.
You must credit the original authors with the name or online name and a link to the the source visible in clear easy to read text next to the parts used or in a general credits page.
The licensed material is distributed "AS IS", without warranty of any kind or type, in no event shall the authors be liable for any claim, damages or other caused or related to the oicensed material.