Befunge CPU is processor, which can interpret Befunge at the machine code level. Befunge is a 2-dimensional language, yet it was designed "a nightmare to compile". Here's an example of the "Hello World" program written in it:
052*"dlroW olleH">:#,_@
The following idea was taken as a basis:
It's perverted, it's baroque, it's vector-based, it's 18 bits wide... Here it is, in all its glory.
The design of the CPU intentionally resembles a simplified version of the MIPS R×000 architecture (this and subsequent images are taken from the original article).
We expanded this simplified block diagram (see docs/CPU_block diagram.vsdx) and extended its functionality to the ability to communicate with the outside world via UART. Although some of the functionality was truncated due to the time limit (the ALU operations, for example).
First presentation.
Second presentation.
Register File(8x18)Other registersALUMUX AMUX BVCMemory MUXMemory 1Kx18- State machine for a control unit
Pavlo Yasinovskyi, Diana Kypybida, Andriy Oksenchuk, Oleh Humenchuk