This repository provides the code and data release for
On the Success Probability of Solving Unique SVP via BKZ
Eamonn W. Postlethwaite, Fernando Virdia, IACR ePrint 2020/1308
This release includes
- the code used to simulate the success probability of BKZ and Progressive BKZ for solving uSVP,
- the code used to run the experiments,
- the raw results from the experiments,
- the code for generating plots and tables in the paper.
- Sagemath 9.0+
- git (optional, for getting a copy of the [DSDGR20] simulator and the [APS15] LWE estimator)
- make (optional, simplifies setup)
- pdflatex (optional, for generating plots using Tikz)
The code was written and tested on Linux. It should also work fine on WSL for Windows and macOS.
The binary distribution of Sagemath 9.0 contains a bug in their FPLLL internal library. To successfully run our experiments, this should be fixed by reinstalling FPLLL and FPyLLL as described in paragraph "Manual update of fpylll and fplll inside Sagemath 9.0+" of the FPylll readme.
To create the directory structure where the plots and tables will be located, run
make setup
To reproduce all plots/tables in the paper at once (this takes a while), run
make all
Plots will be located under /plots/
. The state of this directory can be reset running
make clean
Results for tables will be found printed to terminal. By default we omit generating Figure 1, since it takes significantly the longest. It can be re-enabled by uncommenting the call to compare_vs_lwe_side_channel
To reproduce individual plots/tables, run
, to generate Figure 11 (in/plots/qary-lll-sim-n100.pdf
, to generate Figure 7 (by combiningn100-tau5-skip1.tex
, to generate examples of the difference caused by using the GSA or the [CN11] simulator in the LWE Estimator [APS15] (Figure 10 in/plots/lwe-estimator-with-cn11/
, to generate the variance of expected sample variance for the three distributions considered in our papersage
, to generate the LWE Estimator's numbers in Table 2sage
, to generate all other Figures and the simulation numbers in Table 2sage --tikz
will do the same as above, but use PdfLatex to generate the plots.
While these numbers are not reported in Figures or Tables, it is possible to tweak the LWE estimator to use the [CN11] simulator as described in footnote 6.
To enable that modification, run make aps15
, then set use_sim_for_beta = True
on line 2103 of lwe-estimator/
The main module for reproducing the experiments is
It requires some tweaking to reproduce some of the experiments.
To run an example set of parameters (listed in the parameter_sets
variab), is is sufficient to rung sage
This will run Progressive BKZ experiments by default. These can be turned into BKZ experiments by commenting/uncommenting the appropriate lines in
[APS15] Martin R Albrecht, Rachel Player, and Sam Scott. On the concrete hardness of learning with errors. JMC, 2015.
[CN11] Yuanmi Chen and Phong Q Nguyen. Bkz 2.0: Better lattice security estimates. In ASIACRYPT, 2011.
[DSDGR20] Dana Dachman-Soled, Léo Ducas, Huijing Gong, and Mélissa Rossi. LWE with side information: Attacks and concrete security estimation. In CRYPTO, 2020.