Optimization of YOLOv8 and YOLOv10 inference with TensorRT.
- TensorRT >= 10.2.0
- CUDA >= 11.8
- Opencv >= 4.8.0
(Optional) build the docker image to avoid managing dependencies
docker build -t yolofast . # might takes a long time bc of the opencv build (~1h on my modest machine)
docker run --gpus all -it --name yolofast -v $(pwd):/workspace/yolofast yolofast
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
Usage: yolofast [options]
--model <name> Specify YOLOv8n or YOLOv10n model.
--video <path> Run inference on video and save it as 'detection_output.avi'.
--image <path> Run inference on image and save it as 'detection_output.jpg'.
--build <precision> Specify precision optimization (e.g., fp32, fp12 or int8).
--timing Enable timing information.
./yolofast --model yolov8 --build fp16 --video ../samples/video.mp4 --timing
The model had also no problem to run on a video :