Welcome to the AMS Short Course on Open Source Radar Software
This living repository was first created for the 37th conference on Radar Meteorology
Prior to the course it would be extremely helpful if all attenders could install Anaconda and Py-ART using the following steps.
Download and install Anaconda from Continuum Analytics using the instructions on the site, http://continuum.io/downloads.
Add Anaconda to your path if/when asked. -
Open a terminal or command prompt and install basemap and netcdf using the command:
conda install basemap netcdf4
Answer yes to any prompts.
In the same terminal or command prompt install Py-ART using the command:
conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/jjhelmus pyart
Answer yes to any prompts.
Simple proccessing and adding a field
Gridding radars to a Cartesian Grid