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Wagtail Freezer

Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project


PyPI version wagtail-freezer CI


Supported versions

  • Python 3.7 - 3.10
  • Django 3.2 - 4.0
  • Wagtail 3.x


  • pip install wagtail-freezer

  • Add "wagtail_freezer" to INSTALLED_APPS

  • Add a FREEZER_BUILD_DIR setting indicating where the static files will be output. To write into a folder named build at the project root, use:

    FREEZER_BUILD_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build")


Run ./ buildstaticsite. This will generate one folder per site within FREEZER_BUILD_DIR, with subfolders making up the page tree and the pages themselves saved as index.html at the appropriate point.

While building the static files, wagtail-freezer will scan the HTML for any href or src attributes that reference files under STATIC_URL or MEDIA_URL, and copy these files to corresponding folders under the site root. This step only takes place if STATIC_URL or MEDIA_URL are local URLs beginning with '/'.

If you have additional static / media files that can't be found by parsing HTML (for example, images referenced within CSS, JavaScript or JSON), you can provide a freezer_follow_urls method on the page model that returns a list of media / static URLs to be followed:

class HomePage(Page):
    def freezer_follow_urls(self):
        urls = ['/static/images/background.jpg']
        for item in self.playlist.select_related('video'):
        return urls


When you're happy with how the local static site works (test it by running python -m http.server from the root folder), you can deploy it to Amazon S3 by installing the AWS command line tool (pip install awscli), creating a bucket configured for static website hosting, and running:

aws s3 sync build/localhost s3:// --acl public-read


wagtail-freezer was created as a "minimum viable product" substitute for static site generators such as django-bakery, which at the time of writing are lagging behind in support for current Django (and Wagtail) versions. It has only been tested against very simple sites, and will probably not work with custom URL routes (RoutablePageMixin), pages with multiple preview modes (wagtail.contrib.forms, although that's not too usable on a static site anyhow), non-standard middlewares and no doubt lots of other things. Use at your own risk!


Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project



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