I'm Guilherme, but you can call me Biff, I'm Software Developer, family father and mountain biker.
I work as a Software Developer Specialist / Staff Enginier at PicPay and I'm always in search of knowledge.
- Java (My main language) ❤️
- Kotlin (Loved language used to Android development)
- Python (Used to simplify scripts)
- C (IOT/Arduino hobby)
- GO (For knowledge of other paradigms)
- Descomplicando a Clean Architecture
- Pirâmide de Testes — Definindo uma boa suíte de testes para seu Software
- Java Garbage Collector — Por que precisamos conhecê-lo?
- Controlando transações de status com Finite State Machine
- Criando uma aplicação modular muito além do Clean Architecture
- Refatoração, a maneira mais eficiente de manter seu código limpo.
- Separando os testes integrados de sua aplicação em um novo conceito
- Observabilidade: Monitorando sua aplicação a partir de métricas
- O Core Domain: Modelando Domínios Ricos
- O Use Case: Modelando as Interações do Seu Domínio
- helpdeveloper/gzip-json-jackson - This library uses Jackson library to convert your POJO to a compressed JSON with GZIP.
- gbzarelli/chronometer-library - An Android library designed to make it easy to use a stopwatch with laps and a custom Widget to display the milliseconds.
- gbzarelli/AndroidFaceDetectOpenCV - Sample of the OpenCV in Android. Use the OpenCV SDK to detect faces natively.
- helpdeveloper/java-modular-architecture - Modular architecture with Java, base for some articles (About Architecture, About tests)
- gbzarelli/quaklog-api - Luizalabs challenge and created with an simplify Clean Architecture article.
- gbzarelli/fsm-devpira-2020 - Used to presentation about Finite State Machine in DevPira 2020 (Python Samples)
- helpdeveloper/java-observability-metrics - Used to presentation about Observability with Metrics
- gbzarelli/VelocimetroAlert - An app to use when I ride my bike with precisely measures
- gbzarelli/LapsCounter - Application for timing and counting laps in swimming/running/cycling.
- gbzarelli/VelocimetroAlertaBLModule - Hardware module building in Arduindo to use with my Speedometer Alert
- gbzarelli/wg-brew-plus - The project automates the mashing and boiling process of the craft beer manufacturing stages.
- gbzarelli/gophertalk - Multi-user chat in GO
- gbzarelli/githubers - Used to know new reactive features in Android (outdated)
- gbzarelli/hangman-python - Hangman Game in Python
- gbzarelli/clj-blackjack - Blackjack game in Clojure
- gbzarelli/events-distribution-platform - Architecture POC to Event Drive and Webhook