Allure is a web-based application built with Java Spring that provides an online platform for customers to order flowers and plants. The application allows customers to browse through a variety of options and place their orders with ease. It also enables the shop owners to manage their inventory and track orders.
Some of the features of Allure are:
User authentication and authorization
Browse through a list of flowers and plants
Search for specific flowers or plants
Add items to the cart
Manage the cart and checkout
Java 17
Spring Boot 2.7.8
Spring Security 5.5.1
Thymeleaf 3.0.12
MySQL 8.0.26
Maven 3.8.2
jQuery 3.6.0
If you'd like to contribute to Allure, please fork the repository and create a pull request. You can also raise issues if you find any bugs or want to request a new feature.
Allure is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.