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duangsuse edited this page May 31, 2018 · 1 revision


字段名 类型 描述
id number 用户 UID
simple_name string 用户简名
avatar_url string / null 用户头像链接
name string 用户名
alias string / null 用户别名
github string / null github 名
bio string 介绍(可省略)
dev_bio string / null 开发者介绍(可省略)
created_at number(datetime) 创建时间
online_at number(datetime) 上线时间
followers_num number 跟随人数
enabled boolean 启用状态

User Examples

    "id": 3,
    "simple_name": "rachel030219",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "name": "Rachel",
    "alias": null,
    "github": "Rachel030219",
    "bio": "Rachel 坏耶",
    "dev_bio": "Code? Is that edible?",
    "created_at": 1527689792253,
    "online_at": 1527689792253,
    "followers_num": 15,
    "enabled": true
    "id": 233,
    "simple_name": "yuuta",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "name": "Yuuta",
    "alias": "Trumeet",
    "github": "Trumeet",
    "bio": "Trumeet 好耶",
    "dev_bio": null,
    "created_at": 1527689792353,
    "online_at": 1527689795253,
    "followers_num": 200,
    "enabled": true
    "id": 234,
    "simple_name": "pandecheng",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "name": "pandecheng",
    "alias": null,
    "github": "pandecheng36",
    "bio": "",
    "dev_bio": "女装大佬,图标包高产赛 **,日常修图改图",
    "created_at": 1527689892353,
    "online_at": 1527689995253,
    "followers_num": 200,
    "enabled": false



字段名 类型 描述
id number 分类 TID
name string 分类名
parent number 父分类 TID

Category Examples

    "id": 1,
    "name": "应用",
    "parent": null
    "id": 2,
    "name": "工具",
    "parent": 1
    "id": 3,
    "name": "编辑器",
    "parent": 2


字段名 类型 描述
id number 应用 AID
author number 所有者 UID
category number 分类 TID
package string / null 包名
name string 应用名
alias string / null 别名
icon_url string / null 图标链接
desc string 描述(可省略)
visual string / null 展示器名(可省略)
button string / null 按钮文本覆盖(可省略)
special string / null 特殊文本
previews string / null 预览 url 文本(可省略)
permissons string / null 权限(可省略)
size number 安装包大小
created_at number(datetime) 创建时间
updated_at number(datetime) 更新时间
stars_num number 星标数目
comments_num number 评论数目

App Examples

    "id": 1,
    "author": 2,
    "category": 3,
    "package": "com.drakeet.purewriter",
    "name": "纯纯写作",
    "alias": "Pure Writer",
    "icon_url": ":coolapk",
    "desc": ":apkpure",
    "visual": null,
    "button": null,
    "special": "永不打折降价",
    "previews": ":coolapk",
    "permissions": ":coolapk",
    "size": 23333,
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "stars_num": 500,
    "comments_num": 100
    "id": 3,
    "author": 233,
    "category": 7,
    "package": "",
    "name": "Dir",
    "alias": null,
    "icon_url": ":coolapk",
    "desc": ":apkpure",
    "visual": null,
    "button": "获取~/删除 QAQ/Getting...",
    "special": null,
    "previews": ":coolapk",
    "permissions": ":coolapk",
    "size": 23333,
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "stars_num": 500,
    "comments_num": 100
    "id": 5,
    "author": 0,
    "category": 12,
    "package": "",
    "name": "Android Pill",
    "alias": "药丸的 Android",
    "icon_url": "",
    "desc": "日常放送一点 :pill: 的 Android 资讯",
    "visual": "news",
    "button": null,
    "special": null,
    "previews": "",
    "permissions": "",
    "size": 0,
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "stars_num": 700,
    "comments_num": 100


字段名 类型 描述
id number 评论 CID
author number 所有者 UID
app number 所在 AID
reply number / null 回复给 CID 或不是回复
content string 内容
stars_num number 星标数目
replies_num number 回复数目
created_at number(datetime) 创建时间
updated_at number(datetime) / null 更新时间或没有更新过

Comment Examples

    "id": 306,
    "author": 233,
    "app": 1,
    "reply": null,
    "content": "好耶(跑",
    "stars_num": 0,
    "replies_num": 0,
    "created_at": 1527693014709,
    "updated_at": null
    "id": 500,
    "author": 234,
    "app": 5,
    "reply": 451,
    "content": "这个厉害了&em@doge/smile!&",
    "stars_num": 4,
    "replies_num": 0,
    "created_at": 1527693014809,
    "updated_at": null
    "id": 62,
    "author": 3,
    "app": 3,
    "reply": null,
    "content": "&em@emoji/fish!&",
    "stars_num": 0,
    "replies_num": 0,
    "created_at": 1527693113700,
    "updated_at": 1527693113809


字段名 类型 描述
app number 更新目标 AID
ver string 版本名
rev number 修订号
install_url string 安装链接
updates string 更新内容
api_min number / null 最低兼容 Android API 版本
api_target number / null 目标 Android API 版本

Update Examples

    "app": 1,
    "ver": "3.0.0",
    "rev": 14,
    "install_url": "coolapk:com.drakeet.purewriter",
    "updates": ":coolapk",
    "api_min": 17,
    "api_target": 24

时间线 JSON

字段名 类型 描述
u number 用户 UID
t number 时间线类型
d number 数据
c number(datetime) 创建日期

Timeline Examples

    "u": 233,
    "t": 8,
    "d": 1,
    "c": 1527693113809


字段名 类型 描述
user number 用户 UID
created_at number(datetime) 创建时间
type number 通知类型
data number 数据
enabled boolean 是否已阅

Notification Examples

    "user": 233,
    "created_at": 1527693113809,
    "type": 1,
    "data": 542,
    "enabled": false