Get the Value of Pi upto n decimal digits using this Python Script. Uses the chudnovsky algorithm implemented using the Pyton Decimal Data Type.
If you want to use this as a module, then you can use pip or just download the script to your computer from here.
#####Using pip
pip install PythonPi
#####Console Usage
Just run the file (if not installed using pip) or enter the following command (if installed using pip):
You can then use the Interactive Shell to do your calculations
#####API Usage
If you for some reason need the value of pi in your program then you can use the module in the following way:
import PythonPi
print(PythonPi.getValueOfPi(12)) #Upto 12 decimal places
Created By Pradipta Bora (geekpradd) using the Chudnovsky Algorithm. MIT Licensed.