Slides from talk given on Feb 9, 2016 at the AngularJS in the Rocky Mountains Meetup Group.
Angular 2 is now in Beta. Reactive Programming techniques are used to write the Angular 2 framework. The same APIs and techniques are exposed to Angular 2 developers for application development.
This talk, by Geoff Filippi, will start with a brief overview of Reactive Programming. We will define and discuss the Observer Design Pattern. Observables are implemented in RxJS and are under consideration for standardization in ES2016. We will compare Observables, Promises, Events and callbacks. We will also discuss how Promises, Events and callbacks can be bridged into Observables.
Finally we will discuss how RxJS is used to implement Angular 2. We will explore how Observables are used in change detection and ngZone, Http, Async Facade and Forms. We will also discuss how to make use of RxJS and Observables in our Angular 2 applications.
[PDF](Angular 2 Observables.pdf)
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