CPSC 60000 Final Project
This is my final project, which is a Java implementation of Connect4. The project can be found in the GDSConnect4 directory. The game provides both a 2 Player option and 1 Player options against computer opponents with varying difficulty levels. Please note, the directory Connect4Txt contains an initial version of the project which uses a text-based UI. This project was mostly used as prototype for the AIPlayer and is here for historical purposes only.
The GDSConnect4 project uses a JavaFX UI. To build and run the project, I have used JavaSE-12, with JavaFX-11 and have followed the instructions to create a JavaFX non-modular project using the IDE tools from https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/. I have verified that this works in both Intellij and Eclipse.
Furthermore, the project uses JUnit 5 for unit testing. Also, the usual Eclipse .project and .classpath entries have been commented out in the .gitignore and are added here, which is hopefully a convenience for the professor.
The main method for the GDSConnect4 project can be found in the class org.gds.GameView
The Artifically Intelligent computer opponent code can be found in the class org.gds.model.player.AIPlayer
A formal report which describes the GDSConnect4 project and the Design Patterns implemented is available, and will be provided separately.