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Vue.js compositions for Feathers

Provides get and find compositions that let you query your feathers API.
Queries and responses are fully reactive allowing you to:

  • trigger a query by simply updating a query parameter
  • receive continuous updates via @feathersjs/socketio-client that are instantly visible inside Vue components.

Example usage

Define a wrapper that passes your feathers app.
Passing your Application type including your ServiceTypes allows typechecking of the serviceName parameter.

// useFindWrapper.ts
import { useFind } from '@geprog/use-feathers';
import { Application as FeathersApplication } from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import { AdapterService } from '@feathersjs/adapter-commons';
import { Car } from './model';

type ServiceTypes = {
  cars: AdapterService<Car>;

type Application = FeathersApplication<ServiceTypes>;

export const useFindWrapper = useFind<Application>(yourFeathersApp);

Inside a Vue component call the wrapper with a serviceName and a Params ref containing your query.

import { computed, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { useFindWrapper } from './useFindWrapper';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const seats = ref(4);
    const { data: cars, isLoading } = useFindWrapper(
      computed(() => ({ paginate: false, query: { seats: seats.value } })),
    return { seats, cars, isLoading };