The program is based on ros_pcl and pcl, filter and cluster the raw pointcloud data to get object position at 30Hz.
1.install librealsense2 and realsense ros
2.verify that the packages are installed successfully
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
3.add the files in repository to realsense2_camera package. If the file already exits (eg.CMakeLists.txt), please substitute it. the program
launch the node to publish raw pointcloud
roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_poincloud.launch
launch the nodelets to preprocess pointcloud
roslaunch realsense2_camera pcl_preprocess.launch
run the node to clustering pointcloud
rosrun realsense2_camera detection
5.detected objects information is published in topic /objectlist as user-defined ros message
filter_limit_min: the minimum range to keep points. z-direction points outward from the camera.
filter_limit_max: the maximum range to keep points.
leaf_size: cube side length to down sampling.
distance_threshold: the threshold of plane thickness.
setClusterTolerance: epsilon, radius to search points.
setMinClusterSize: minmum number of points in one cluster.
setMaxClusterSize: maximum number of points in one cluster.
- /voxel_grid/output
point cloud filtered by passthrough filter and voxel grid filter
- /extract_plane/output
point clould filtered by RANSAC
- /cloud_cluster
clustered point cloud
The printed message is the serial number of objects and its position.