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Korn - C Verification with Loop Invariants and Summaries

Korn is a software verifier that infers correctness certificates automatically using state-of-the-art Horn-clause solvers, such as Z3 and Eldarica.

The novel aspect is that it uses not only invariants but also summaries, which are a fundamental and principled technique, complementary to invariants.

The theory, examples, and an evaluation with standard benchmarks is described in Gidon Ernst: A Complete Approach to Loop Verification with Invariants and Summaries, Preprint on arXiv.

File Summaries.thy contains an Isabelle 2020 theory that mechanizes the main definitions and proofs. The file annotates each definition and result with a reference the paper (see Sec 3 and 4). To validate, simply open the file, scroll down, and place the cursor at the very end.


You need Java 11. Simply type


which builds korn.jar and


./ [options] [files] [solver]

You can specify multiple C files, which will be verified in order. Note that

The following options are supported

  • -w write verification task to file instead of stdout
  • -s use summaries and invariants (default: only invariants)
  • -s0 force correctness proof via summaries
  • -m generate (get-model) in the task (resp. specify -ssol -cex for Eldarica)
  • -p parse only
  • -d print some debug output
  • -q output only one of sat, unsat, error, unknown and suppress all other output to stdout/stderr
  • -t n specify timeout in seconds (for directly supported solvers, default: 900)
  • -32 and -64: size constraints for numeric types (affects long)
  • -u unbounded arithmetic, omit size constraints for __VERIFIER_nondet_*
  • -r n run n seconds of random sampling to detect trivial counterexamples

The following solvers have first-class support and can be specified with options

  • -z3 call z3 -in -t:<timeout> resp z3 -t:timeout <file> if -w is set (binary must be on $PATH)
  • -eld call eld -t:<timeout> <file> resp eld -t:<timeout> -ssol -cex <file> if -m is set (implies -w, binary must be on $PATH)

Both solvers are in the git repository and can be used by setting export $PATH=.:$PATH for example, or with options -- ./z3 -in and -- ./eld.

Alternatively, the full command line for any solver can be specified after -- for example examples/loop0.c -- hoice

Note that the rest of the command line is passed directly to the solver, thus all other options and tasks must occur before --.

The expected answer is sat if there is a solution to the Horn clause system, which means that the program is safe. Other possible answers are unsat (meaning the program is unsafe), unknown (e.g. by timeout), and error (the verification task is not supported currently, or the translation has a bug and generates an invalid SMT-LIB file).

Program Specification

Korn will deem a program incorrect if function __VERIFIER_error or reach_error can be called on any path, and if an assert-ion can possibly fail.

Other specification features are:


The main entry point is in korn/src/Main.scala. It runs the translation, passes it through the solver (via a stdin or a file depending on the options), and simply dumps the stdout and stderr of the solver, unless -q is specified, in which case only the first line of the stdout is dumped and nothing else (this is used for the evaluation).

The entry point for the translation is in korn/src/Unit.scala, which deals with a unit (C file) at a time and handles global declarations. Each function (procedure) is processed by korn/src/Proc.scala, which handles local statements.

The translation is parameterized by the different classes in korn/src/Horn.scala, differing e.g. in the use of invariants vs summaries, and consequentially possibly using relational predicates to summarise join-points. See object Config on how these are assembled into a stategy.

The implementation currently suffers from a few limitations:. Arrays are treated as value types without bounds, and there is no model of the heap currently, which is unsound but sufficient as a work-around in some cases.

Other unsupported features of C (not exhaustive):

  • global variables
  • array initializers
  • dynamic memory allocation (malloc/free)
  • floating point types
  • structs and unions
  • pointers (mostly)

Notable supported features

  • goto, break, return
  • if, for, while, do-while
  • function declarations

but beware that if your task requires a recursive model as summary for e.g. a recursive function, then the solver will not be able to infer it (timeout, or unsat even if the program is correct)

If you want to hack the code, VS Code with Scala Metals should work out of the box. Simply open the folder in VS Code and follow the suggestion to install the Scala Metals extension.


See the files in xml for benchmark definitions. For the paper, the we used xml/<solver>-*-900.xml.

ReachSafety-Korn.set contains a list of all supported benchmarks.

Instructions for repeatability will follow.