Analyzing spendings with Python & Pandas,
categorizing banking transactions with Machine Learning
Finance report example:
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I started this personal project as the German comdirect bank abolished their online budget planer Finanzmanager. It aims to reproduce this functionality while being as simple and understandable as possible. In principle this project is applicable to every bank, which allows to export transactions as csv files. For the comdirect bank, the API access can be used, which I adopted from Philipp Panhey (acknowledgements).
I decided to publish this project, since I thought that it might be useful to others. However, this is not a professional and easy to use budget planer and requires some programming knowledge and adaptation to cater to your individual needs.
General settings such as file names & column names have to be set in budget_book/config.ini
Initially, transactions (e.g. from the last year) are exported from online banking as a csv file.
These form the database, stored locally on your hard drive.
The minimal required columns are
- date
- amount
- description
As an example for transactions, see
(only placeholder for description text)
The account balance over time has to calculated once using
The transactions have to be categorized for detailed analysis.
Two layers of categories can be used, separated with / (e.g. living expenses/groceries).
This has to be done manually in the beginning, e.g. using Excel.
Later, Machine Learning is used to automatically categorize new transactions.
For the API import for the German comdirect bank, the user has to register and insert the credentials into budget_book/config_comdirectAPI.json
New transactions are merged to the database & categorized using three standalone scripts running in batch mode.
They can be used independently or in sequence, the latter by calling budget_book/Windows_start_transaction_importer.bat
New transactions are appended to the database using
which is using the comdirect bank API.
Also the balance over time is updated.
Alternatively, they can also be read from an exported csv file.
A code example is provided in budget_book/test_import_transactions.ipynb
, which can be adapted in the interactive Jupyter environment.
The final code can then be inserted into the function def transactions_CSV()
in budget_book/
categorizes the transactions based on their description text using Machine Learning, see also this blog post:
A list of all currently used categories is automatically saved as budget_book/categories.csv
python -t
determines the model prediction accuracy.
Since the accuracy of the categoriziation is not perfect, wrong categories should be corrected.
For this, a console user interface is available, which can be run with
see also this blog post:
It can also be used to split transactions, e.g. for cash withdrawal at the supermarket.
The console user interface is automatically run after budget_book/
The pre-selected line highlights the last previously appended transaction.
The spendings report can be updated by running budget_book/analysis.ipynb
Reports for different time frames can be generated by filtering the database.
It is recommended to export the notebook (e.g. as html or pdf) regularly (e.g. yearly) for later reference.
See also this blog post:
Also, scripts to analyze stock portfolio performance are included.
However, it is not very stable due to yahoo finance and a professional solution such as is recommended.
As an example, see:
See also this blog post:
First, a list of stocks has to be given in stocks/get_stock_data.ipynb
. The stock short names can be found on
The currency is retrieved for the given stocks and needs to be translated accordingly.
Then, stocks/get_stock_transactions.ipynb
is used to extract the stock transactions from the database budget_book/transactions.csv
They are saved in stocks/stock_transactions.csv
The list of stock transactions stocks/stock_transactions.csv
can also be provided directly, e.g. if no full list of transactions is available.
The aquired shares are calculated and the value over time is plotted in stocks/calculate_shares.ipynb
Git can be used as backup.
If an online repo is used, it is strongly recommended to make it private and to exclude budget_book/config_comdirectAPI.json
- Pandas
- plotly (for sunburst diagram)
- sklearn (for categorization)
- curses (for console user interface)
- yfinance (to retrieve stock data)
Contributions are welcome, especially regarding APIs for additional banks.
thanks to Philipp Panhey for the comdirect API access: