Adds sort_alphabetical
and sort_alphabetical_by
to Enumberable(Array/Hash...),
which sorts UTF8 Strings alphabetical.
This sorting is done by placing variants on the same level as base character (A comes before Ä but ÄA comes before AB).
['b','á'].sort_alphabetical == ['á','b']
[['b',1],['á',2]].sort_alphabetical_by(&:first) == [['á',2],['b',1]]
sudo gem install grosser-sort_alphabetical -s
- Sort non-ascii-convertables like ß(ss), œ(oe) , fi(fi), see Ligatures
- Integrate natural sorting e.g.
['a11', 'a2'] => ['a2', 'a11']
like NaturalSort
- original string_to_ascii: Marc-Andre.
Michael Grosser
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...