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Proyecto de desarrollo web para la asistencia en la gestión de recursos empresariales

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Proyecto de desarrollo web para la asistencia en la gestión de recursos empresariales



  • Crear un front de muestra de la herramienta para conseguir clientes, colaboradores e inversores
  • Implementar normas de estandarización que faciliten el desarrollo en equipo
  • Detallar el plan a largo plazo, el propósito y la visión del proyecto general

Buenas Practicas de Programacion

Arbol de carpetas del código fuente


paginas contiene las vistas de cada sección del menú: Contactos, Cuentas, Informes, Configuración, etc.
componentes almacena los distintos componentes que son llamados para completar las páginas.
servicios tiene las llamadas AJAX a la api del back, o sea que todos los módulos de comunicación a la API se encuentran en esta carpeta.
modelos es provisoria y emula los resultados devueltos por la api del back, conteniendo arreglos y objetos json.
utilies herramientas de formateo y validación de uso compartido.
varios ejemplos y plantillas.\

Convenciones de nombrado

  • Métodos
  • Módulos

componentes: empiezan con mayúscula (fichero y archivo.jsx). Para diferenciarlos de las etiquetas html convencionales. Ejemplo: FilaCliente, BtnNuevoRegistro
variables: sensibleMayuscula no muy largas que den a entender lo que hacen y para que existen, en castellano sin lunfardos.
Ejemplos: crearEstado iniciarEstado traerListClientes atenderClick.

  • ES6 funciones flecha, let y const
  • Manejo centralizado de la info y cambios de estado desde App.js enviando métodos a los componentes hijo

Desplegar en gh-pages

npm run deploy

Comandos git frecuentes

Clonar un repositorio

Machete de comandos git para inicar la colaboración remota, editar el proyecto y desplegar páginas

Ver documentación:

Clonar el repositorio y copiar la url

Abrir una terminal en la carpeta superior al proyecto y escribir:

git clone `URL del repositorio remoto`

esto crea una carpeta con el nombre del repositorio y directorio .git oculto con los datos de configuración del repositorio

git remote -v

te muestra la dirección de github del repo que acabas de crear\

crear un vínculo con el repo para actualizar el local (si el dueño original es otro, primero hay que hacer un fork, después copiar el url del repo en nuestro perfil)

git remote add upstream (url de repo original en github)

para actualizar desde el original

git pull origin master

luego de la edisión del proyecto para agregar los cambios:

git add .

git commit -m texto descriptivo de los cambios

git push origin master

Sincronizar un proyecto bifurcado


Cloning Your Copy of the Repository Locally

Now that you have a copy of the class repo in your GitHub account, it's time to bring the contents of that repo onto your computer - this process is known as cloning and it only needs to be done once:

  1. On your Enterprise GitHub account, browse to your fork of the GitHub class repo and under the repository name click Clone or download
  2. In the Clone with HTTPS section, click the clipboard to copy the URL for the repository.
  3. Open Terminal and navigate to your ~/code folder - you may choose a different folder if you wish, however these instructions will assume you clone the repo into a folder named code.
  4. In Terminal, type git clone and follow it by pasting in the copied URL from the clipboard. The command should now look something like this:
$ git clone

You can now $ cd SEI-CC-4 and check out your local copy of of the GA class repo!

Adding a git remote for the original GA class repo

A repo on your computer is called a local repo ("repo" is short for repository).

Repos on GitHub are called remote repos. Think of them as repos in the cloud.

When you cloned your fork of the repo, a "link" to the git remote was automatically created. You can check which remotes exist for a given local repo using this command:

$ git remote -v

Note that by convention, the remote that points to the GitHub repo it was cloned from is named origin.

However, in order to get the updates that the instructors push to the GA class repo, you will need to create another remote that points to GA's class repo that you forked:

$ git remote add upstream

Note that by convention, the remote that points to the original GitHub repo that was forked is named upstream.

Entering $ git remote -v again will show that you now have two remotes: origin (your fork of GA's class repo) and upstream (GA's class repo).

Getting Changes Pushed by Your Instructors

Each day (maybe a few times a day), instructional materials may be pushed to the class repo by your instructors. You will want to "pull" these materials into your local repo (on your computer). Doing so will enable you to access "starter code", etc.

First, if you've made any changes within the repo locally, i.e., you've modified some starter code, you will need to commit those changes first:

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Add amazing work..."

With local changes committed, you can now fetch the updates from the Github class repo and merge them into your local repo (on your computer):

$ git pull upstream master

From time to time, you will want to "save" the commits you have made locally to your forked GitHub class repo (in the cloud). Doing so is a good idea to ensure your work is backed up to the cloud in case of computer failure:

$ git push origin master

The above Git/GitHub workflow is summarized by this diagram:

Handling Merge Conflicts

A merge conflict occurs when git merges two commits that have modified the same region of code and can't figure out whose code to use. Thus, fixing merge conflicts requires that a developer manually update the code to what it should be and re-commit it to resolve the conflict, which will also finish git's merge process.

Git informs you which files have merge conflicts and will annotate your code to show you how your local code differs from the code being merged from the remote. An example of such annotation is below.

<<<<<<< HEAD
// Local code is here 
// Changes you are pulling are here
>>>>>>> 75c37cea922afc56e7d686adba063b986013ca9f

Once you have resolved these merge conflicts by editing the code and removing the markers, you can add and commit normally.


"Nested" repos are never permitted. Therefore, if you have important code, such as your projects, that belongs in its own repo, be sure to put that code in folders outside of the class repo.

mas info: SEI-CC


Proyecto de desarrollo web para la asistencia en la gestión de recursos empresariales







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