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Local development setup ‐ Debian 12

Justin Clift edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 13 revisions

This document is written on a Debian 12 desktop, so the instructions may need some adjustment on other distributions.

The asdf runtime version manager is used for installing Python and NodeJS.

Set up the prerequisites

Install required Debian packages

$ sudo apt -y install --no-install-recommends build-essential curl default-libmysqlclient-dev \
  freetds-dev git libbz2-dev libffi-dev libncurses-dev libpq-dev libreadline-dev libsasl2-dev \
  libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev liblzma-dev python3-dev pwgen \
  unixodbc-dev xmlsec1 xvfb

Install asdf

$ git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.1
$ cat <<EOF >> ~/.bashrc
. "\$HOME/.asdf/"
. "\$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"

Then restart the terminal session so asdf becomes available.

Install Docker

$ curl -fsSL | sudo sh

Verify docker works

$ sudo docker run hello-world

Add your user to the "docker" group

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Then logout of your desktop and login again, so the group membership change becomes effective.

Otherwise you'll receive docker errors further down the page when you try to build the docker image.

Clone the Redash source code

$ git clone
$ cd redash

Install and set the version of Python to use

$ asdf plugin add python
$ asdf install python 3.10.15
$ asdf local python 3.10.15

Create a Python virtual environment

This ensures any Python libraries we install only affect the virtual environment, not the whole system:

$ python3 -m venv ~/redashvenv1
$ source ~/redashvenv1/bin/activate


When the Python virtual environment is active in your session, it changes the prompt to look like this:

(redashvenv1) $

Install Redash's Python dependencies into the virtual environment:

(redashvenv1) $ pip3 install wheel  # "wheel" needs to be installed by itself first
(redashvenv1) $ pip3 install --upgrade black ruff launchpadlib pip setuptools
(redashvenv1) $ pip3 install poetry && poetry install --only main,all_ds,dev
(redashvenv1) $ pre-commit install

Install and set the version of NodeJS to use

$ asdf plugin add nodejs
$ asdf install nodejs 18.20.4
$ asdf local nodejs 18.20.4

Install Yarn 1.x

$ npm install -g yarn@1.22.22

Install the NodeJS dependencies

$ yarn

Compile and build

Redash uses GNU Make to run things, so if you're not sure about something it's often a good idea to take a look over the Makefile which can help. 😄

Build the Redash front end

$ make build

Build local Redash Docker image

$ make compose_build

On my desktop (Ryzen 5600X) that took about 12 minutes to complete the first time. After that though, it's much faster at about a minute and a half each time.

It's a good idea to check that the docker images were built ok. We do that by telling docker to show us the local "docker images", which should include these three new ones. It's important the "created" time shows them to be very recent... if it's not, then they're old images left over from something else. 😉

$ docker image list
REPOSITORY         TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
redash_scheduler   latest    85bc2dc57801   2 minutes ago   1.38GB
redash_server      latest    85bc2dc57801   2 minutes ago   1.38GB
redash_worker      latest    85bc2dc57801   2 minutes ago   1.38GB

Start Redash locally, using the docker images you just built

$ make create_database
$ make up

The docker compose ps command should show all of the docker pieces are running:

$ docker compose ps
       Name                     Command                  State                                  Ports                            
redash_email_1       bin/maildev                      Up (healthy)   1025/tcp, 1080/tcp,>80/tcp,:::1080->80/tcp    
redash_postgres_1 postg ...   Up   >5432/tcp,:::15432->5432/tcp                  
redash_redis_1 redis ...   Up             6379/tcp                                                    
redash_scheduler_1   /app/bin/docker-entrypoint ...   Up             5000/tcp                                                    
redash_server_1      /app/bin/docker-entrypoint ...   Up   >5000/tcp,:::5001->5000/tcp,                   
redash_worker_1      /app/bin/docker-entrypoint ...   Up             5000/tcp

The Redash web interface should also be available at http://localhost:5001, ready to be configured:


Once you've finished confirming everything works the way you want, then shut down the containers with:

$ make down

Next step: Testing

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