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symbolicator request failed, "Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: unknown variant portablepdb" #1860

mmerickel opened this issue Dec 11, 2022 · 8 comments


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mmerickel commented Dec 11, 2022

Self-Hosted Version


CPU Architecture


Docker Version


Docker Compose Version


Steps to Reproduce

Upgraded from 22.5.0 to 22.11.0. Uploaded new events from iOS sentry-cocoa 7.9.0.

Expected Result

No errors on the instance's internal project?

Actual Result

I see an issue similar to #1818 (comment), many many times for "portablepdb" symbols. This was not happening prior to upgrading.

Screenshot 2022-12-11 at 11 10 25

Raw event json:

"event_id": "fde7bf53567549d5821cf0df5463bfc8",
"project": 1,
"release": "backend@22.11.0+60999b0f47b3ffe7f2fbbd5e86d9bb9711e5a2c0",
"dist": null,
"platform": "python",
"message": "Symbolicator request failed",
"datetime": "2022-12-11T16:47:58.226467Z",
"tags": [
"CPython 3.8.13"
"_meta": {
"extra": {
"celery-job": {
"kwargs": {
"data": {
"": {
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"": {
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"_metrics": {
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"bytes.stored.event": 6489
"breadcrumbs": {
"values": [
"timestamp": 1670777278.213607,
"type": "redis",
"category": "redis",
"level": "info",
"message": "GET 'c:1:symbolicator:038d40db14de4631aa79c45dc8aa2b21:13'",
"data": {
"redis.command": "GET",
"redis.is_cluster": false,
"redis.key": "c:1:symbolicator:038d40db14de4631aa79c45dc8aa2b21:13"
"timestamp": 1670777278.225896,
"type": "http",
"category": "httplib",
"level": "info",
"data": {
"method": "POST",
"reason": "Unprocessable Entity",
"status_code": 422,
"url": "http://symbolicator:3021/symbolicate?timeout=10&scope=13"
"contexts": {
"runtime": {
"name": "CPython",
"version": "3.8.13",
"build": "3.8.13 (default, Aug 23 2022, 09:42:19) \n[GCC 10.2.1 20210110]",
"type": "runtime"
"trace": {
"trace_id": "cb374a69af9d46ffbefa947103097e9a",
"span_id": "a53dbb5856cf63b7",
"parent_span_id": "bafc55fef829852a",
"op": "",
"status": "unknown",
"type": "trace"
"culprit": "",
"environment": "production",
"extra": {
"celery-job": {
"args": [],
"kwargs": {
"cache_key": "e:038d40db14de4631aa79c45dc8aa2b21:13",
"data": {
"event_id": "038d40db14de4631aa79c45dc8aa2b21",
"level": "error",
"logentry": {
"formatted": "'downloading of changes failed to execute'"
"logger": "",
"platform": "cocoa",
"received": 1670777277.013964,
"timestamp": 1670777276.559669,
"transaction": "MyViewController",
"type": "default",
"version": "7"
"event_id": "038d40db14de4631aa79c45dc8aa2b21",
"has_attachments": false,
"queue_switches": 0,
"start_time": 1670777277
"task_name": ""
"symbolicator_response": "Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: unknown variant `portablepdb`, expected one of `pe`, `pdb`, `mach_debug`, `mach_code`, `elf_debug`, `elf_code`, `wasm_debug`, `wasm_code`, `breakpad`, `sourcebundle`, `uuidmap`, `bcsymbolmap`, `usym` at line 1 column 425",
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"id": "newstyle:2019-10-29"
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"level": "info",
"logentry": {
"formatted": "Symbolicator request failed"
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"metadata": {
"title": "Symbolicator request failed"
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Event ID

No response

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PortablePDB is a format for .NET... so that's really odd. Could you try upgrading to the 8.x cocoa SDK and see if that stops the errors from happening?

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Since upgrading from 22.10 to 22.11 we encounter this exact same issue.
We use the sentry-native SDK to upload from our Windows C++ application

My guess would then be this is not related to the SDK being used

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wampiedriessen commented Dec 14, 2022

Looking at the latest symbolicator release notes (for version 0.6.0) there's been some work done for portable PDB files.
The self-hosted release version 22.11.0 references symbolicator:0.5.1 in the .env file: See Here

Changing that version to 0.6.0 on my self-hosted instance and then running docker-compose up -d fixes this issue for me.

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Ok, that's great to hear! This should get fixed in the release tomorrow then, we will be bumping symbolicator in the 22.12 release. Kind of unfortunate the error message is so unclear :/

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I believe this has nothing to do with the cocoa SDK, but rather the filter of the builtin microsoft symbol server:

This source configuration is being sent to (and decoded by) symbolicator just in case you wanted to fetch such files from the microsoft symbol server.

It is a bit surprising though that the published github release is being used by selfhosted deployments, rather than an uptodate docker image.

We have no real release schedule for tagged github releases of symbolicator, and the releases that we do, do not match any self-hosted sentry releases. I believe that is the main problem here.

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emmatyping commented Dec 15, 2022

It is a bit surprising though that the published github release is being used by selfhosted deployments, rather than an uptodate docker image.

As part of the self-hosted release infrastructure, which runs once a month when we do a self-hosted release, we push the latest gcr docker image to dockerhub which is what we use in self-hosted.

We have no real release schedule for tagged github releases of symbolicator, and the releases that we do, do not match any self-hosted sentry releases. I believe that is the main problem here.

Ah I see, so it seems that Sentry <-> Symbolicator were incompatible? I suppose it would be good to add a test for a symbol-related workload to the self-hosted CI (we're looking to expand our tests this quarter). Thank you for pointing that out!

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so it seems that Sentry <-> Symbolicator were incompatible?

yes exactly.

it would be good to add a test for a symbol-related workload to the self-hosted CI

That seems like a good idea, yes. To cover this particular usecase, you would need a test that uses all the builtin symbol servers. A Windows minidump perhaps. We should have one already in the main Sentry tests, though those tests are always testing the very latest symbolicator master.

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This is fixed in 22.12.0. Please open a new issue if you still encounter problems going forward!

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