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Run Modes

Giles Lewis edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 8 revisions


When you run SNDML, you must specify two command line options.

--profile filename

plus one of the following

--yaml filename
--table tablename
--jobrun sys_id

--jobrun and --server are new in version 3.5.

Execution Modes

🟠 --yaml filename

Loads a list of tables as specified in YAML Configuration.

🟠 --table tablename

Simple table loader. This mode is not intended for production use since it provides limited options for configuring the table loader. However, it can be handy for testing connectivity or performing a quick load of a small table. You can optionally specify an encoded query with --filter "encodedquery".

🟢 --scan

Scan for and run all jobs which are in Ready state. After a job completes, the system will scan for additional jobs in Ready state. If there are no remaining jobs in Ready state then the program will terminate.

🟢 --daemon

Similar to --scan, but the program runs in an endless loop. After performing a scan the program sleeps for some number of seconds (as configured in the Connection Profile 3.5) and then terminates.

🟢 --jobrun sys_id

New in 3.5. Executes a single load job, and then terminates. The sys_id of the Job Run record is specified as a command line argument.

The --jobrun <sys_id> command line option is designed for use when SNDML is installed on a MID Server. In this scenario, the DataPump App executes a PowerShell (for Windows) or Bash (for Linux) script on the MID Server as soon the Job Run is placed in a Ready state. The script executes a Java program (SNDML), passing in the sys_id of the Job Run as an argument. SNDML runs that single job and then shuts down. In this case the Agent configuration will look like this:


🟢 --server

New in 3.5. Run as an HTTP Server. The program listens on a TCP/IP port for requests from the scoped app, and executes each job in a separate thread.

The --server command line option implements, which is a simple HTTP Server. The SNDML Server listens on a TCP port for jobs that are ready to run. The HTTP request contains the sys_id of the Job Run record. SNDML then connects to the ServiceNow instance over a secure HTTPS connection (using credentials from the Connection Profile), and locates the Job Run record using the sys_id. If the Job Run record is not found or is not in a Ready state, then the HTTP request is rejected. If the Job Run is found then the Server responds with an OK and starts running the job. All further communications occur over the secure HTTPS connections.

If the --server command line option is used, then the HTTP port is specified in the Connection Profile as shown here:


and also in the Agent configuration as shown here:



🟠 scoped app is NOT used
🟢 scoped app is required

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