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raster aggregation

Giovanni edited this page Jul 11, 2014 · 6 revisions

####Description#### The script allows raster to be upscaled according to a scale factor (a multiple factor of pixels). The aggregation of pixels is computed with different statistical parameters: mean, max, min, sum and standard deviation. It uses Numpy and GDAL modules.

The script is a stand-alone as a GDAL utility, it can be parsed from command line.


  • inraster: input raster
  • outraster: output raster, float 32 TIFF
  • cellfact: factor of cell multiplication (i.e. output pixel size is "cellfactor"x"cellfactor" times larger than input)
  • - at: aggregation technique:
  • AVG: average (default)
  • SUM: sum
  • MAX: maximum
  • MIN: minimum
  • STD: standard deviation
  • -e: it expands the output to fit a multiple of the cell factor otherwise output is reduced (default)
  • -nd: propagates NoData in computation (a cell with a NoData gives NoData), otherwise NoData are ignored (NoData don't contribute to computation, Nodata-only cells give NoData)

####Usage#### This aggregates the input raster with a pixel size 16 times bigger (cell factor = 4) summing the values of the 16 pixels and expanding the output raster.

 $python /home/user/input.tif /home/user/output.tif 4 -at 'SUM' -e
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