- Candidate is free to use the tool of his/her choice
- Code/script should be Unix executable
- Code/script/file is readable, understandable
- Publish your code in your personal github account and share the link with us.
- Please provide a “README” document with clear instructions on how to execute the code
Scenario: Create a automated test for following scenarios:
- Go to zalando website
- Go to the Search box and search for article DK151H09R-Q11
- Add it to the cart
- Go to the cart and change the quantity to 2
- Move the items from the basket to the wishlist.
- git clone git @
cd zalando-challenge
- install node v4.2.6 (or any higher version)
npm install
- In file "wdio.conf.js" select the desired browser :
browserName: 'firefox'
orbrowserName: 'chrome'
npm run e2e
- Used language/framework : JS/WebdriverIO-Jasmine