Siri's command line version built in Node.js.
Tweet something via my owner's account
: tweet to @liri_bot_griff
in Terminal
View my owner's tweets
: prints newest 5 tweets of @liri_bot_griff
Spotify a song
: look up a song by title on Spotify
Movie this
: look up a movie by title on IMDB
Do what it says
: look up a movie or a song randomly chosen from a built-in list
See how many greetings I have
: prints a greeting randomly
All of the commands are functional due to the use of APIs and NPM packages, to extract data.
- Clone this repository;
- Open
, navigate to the folder of this repository; - In command line, type
npm i
and pressenter
to install modules involved in this app; - In command line, type
node liri.js
and pressenter
. Enjoy it!
Griffin Gaeth (C) 2018. All rights reserved.