The Pet Purfect application gives pet owners the ability to provide custom care information to caregivers about their pet while they are away. This information enhances the care of their pets. In addition, pet owners can specify special instructions for each pet and coordinate with the caregiver to complete the status of very important tasks.
Caregivers can also benefit from this application by having a repository of information about each pet that is in their care.
User navigates to homepage where they can signup as a caregiver or an owner account.
Owner accounts on sign in have the ability to create a pet, where they will fill out a form with information about their pet and its needs.
Owner accounts can then assign a caregiver for their pet based off a list of registered caregivers.
At anytime a pet owner can create a daily to do list with timestamps for their animal.
A caregiver can view the pet details and are given the ability to complete tasks for the owner to view.
Finally the owner can rest easy knowing their caregiver has all the information needed and held accountable for completing tasks.
React.js frontend UI
Express server
MySQL database
Sequelize ORM
MDB React - Footer Component
Bcrypt JS - Password Hashing
Passport JS - Authentication
Firebase - Image Storage
A pipeline is setup between github and heroku such that once
a pull request build is marked as successful, the changes will be deployed to heroku once the feature branch is merged into master
PetPurfect deployed using Heroku
Griffin Gaeth
Joseph Hobbs
Trisha McCoy
Jeff Karr