Ajax management JQuery plugin (init for bootstrap, but customizable)
Submit Ajax can be used on any FORM, INPUT or A element that generates respectively a SUBMIT, CHANGE or CLICK event.
Use the 'disabled' HTML attribute in the element to prevent submit-ajax from sending.
// the fields to send selector gets the choosen fields and sends only them</code>
File support (multipart/form-data) is not implemented completely yet!
Uses jQuery
Uses bootstrap .tooltip() function in form validation
The JSON response can contain as much of the following elements as needed
json response | HTML attribute | description |
"form-errors": {"name": "error", ...} | - | manage errors in form submission |
"append": {"append": "HTML to append", "to": "jQuery selector"} | - | appends HTML to a specified element |
"append": "HTML to append" | append-to="jQuery selector" | appends HTML to a specified element |
"prepend": {"prepend": "HTML to prepend", "to": "jQuery selector"} | - | prepends HTML to a specified element |
"prepend": "HTML to prepend" | prepend-to="jQuery selector" | prepends HTML to a specified element |
"after": {"after": "HTML to insert", "of": "jQuery selector"} | - | inserts HTML after a specified element |
"after": "HTML to insert" | after-of="jQuery selector" | inserts HTML after a specified element |
"before": {"before": "HTML to insert", "of": "jQuery selector"} | - | inserts HTML before a specified element |
"before": "HTML to insert" | before-of="jQuery selector" | inserts HTML before a specified element |
"remove": "jQuery selector" | - | removes a specified element |
"empty": "jQuery selector" | - | empties a specified element |
"goto": "URL or 'this'" | - | loads the specified URL or reloads page |
"fill": {"fill": "HTML to insert", "filled": "jQuery selector"} | - | replaces the HTML in a specified element |
"fill": "HTML to insert" | filled="jQuery selector" | replaces the HTML in a specified element |
"replace": {"replace": "HTML to insert", "to": "jQuery selector"} | - | replaces the specified element with given HTML |
"replace": "HTML to insert" | replace-to="jQuery selector" | replaces the specified element with given HTML |
"run": "code" | - | Run the javascript code specified in the string |
"reset-form": "" | - | Resets all fields in the sending FORM |
$.fn.submitAjax.options = {
'errorClass': 'has-error', // class applied to form elements with errors
'successClass': 'has-success', // success class applied to form elements
'classesToClean': ['has-warning', 'has-info'], // additional classes to remove at every form submission
'applyStatusAt': '.form-group' // ancestor selector to which you are assigned the classes