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Osome Kit

An simple react calendar module. pure javascript. no jquery.
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About The Project



This project support you can switching calendar & gantt easily.

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • npm
npm install npm@latest -g
  • react
npm install --save react react-dom


  1. Npm install
    npm install --save osome-kit


1. Before using osome-kit please import module.

import { OSCalendar, OSGantt } from 'osome-kit'

2. Implement below codes in the react render method.


            onDragEndTile={(start, end, renderOption) => {
              const order = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % (this.state.categories.length || 1)
              const category = this.state.categories[order]
              const index =
              const data = (category === undefined) ? { title: 'This is Title', detail: 'This is Detail', style: { color: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#f00' }, index: index, order: order, startDate: start, endDate: end } : {
                title: category.content.title, detail: '', style: { color: '#fff', backgroundColor: }, index: index, order: order, startDate: start, endDate: end
              this.setState(update(this.state, { categories: { [order]: { events: { $push: [data] } } } }))
            }} />


<OSGantt style={{width: '100%', padding: '0'}} ref={this.osGantt} categories={this.state.categories} options={this.state.options}
          onDragEndTile={(row, start, end, renderOption) => {
            const category = this.state.categories[row]
            const data = { title: category.content.title, detail: 'This is Detail', style: { color: '#fff', backgroundColor: }, order: row, startDate: start, endDate: end, index: }
            this.setState(update(this.state, { categories: { [row]: { events: { $push: [data] } } } }))

Supported Props

OSCalendar Props

Prop type Description
categories object Event data
options object Calendar's option
onClickSchedule function(element, category, event) When click schedule block. it will be fired.
onChangedSchedule function(order, event, afterEvent) When Schedule changed user interaction. such as move,resize it will be fired.
onClickMoreButton function(element, events) When click more button. ( more button will be appeared when you set maxEvent in options)

OSGantt Props

Prop type Description
categories object Event data (same with above calnedar events)
options object Gantt's option
onClickSchedule function(element, category, event) When click schedule block. it will be fired.
onMouseRightClick function(element, event) When click mouse right button on left continaer's rows.
onDragEndTile function(start, end, renderOption) When mouse down and up in right container's row tiles it will be fired. (create schedule by dragging)
onChangedSchedule function(order, event, afterEvent) When schedule changed by user interaction. such as move,resize it will be fired.
onChangedCategory function(categories, afterCategories) When category changed by user interaction. such as move category it will be fired.
onChangeContainer function(left, right) When container size changging. it will be fired every resized time.
onCompleteContainerResize function(left, right) When container's resize finished. it will be fired.

More Info

Property type Description
type string [Gantt Only] currently only exist 'row',
Default row
fixed bool [Gantt Only] fixed gantt resizable left, right container.
Default false
disabled bool [Gantt Only] disable all event.
style object [Gantt & Calendar] style of elements.
country string [Gantt & Calendar] for localizing.
Default ko
days object [Gantt & Calendar] for localizing.
Default { ko: ['일', '월', '화', '수', '목', '금', '토'], jp: ['日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土']}
today date [Gantt & Calendar] Today's date.
Default new Date()
year number [Gantt & Calendar] Today's year.
Default new Date().getFullYear()
month number [Gantt & Calendar] Today's month.
Default new Date().getMonth()
handleMin number [Gantt Only] the minimum limit of left container's width percentage number.
Default 5 (It mean 5%)
handleMax number [Gantt Only] the minimum limit of left container's width percentage number.
Default 35 (It mean 35%)
maxEvent number [Calendar Only] the limit of schedules can be displayed on calendar grid. if more than this number, more button will be shown.
Default 2000
moreButton object [Calendar Only] more button text.
Default { ko: '+ 더보기', jp: '+ もっと見る' }
refresh bool [Gantt & Calendar] after categories modified. calendar,gantt reset or saving offset y of scroll offset.
Property type Description
content object It is just wrapper key. it includes below properties
Property type Description
type string [Gantt Only] you can set [main, sub] type of calendar.
Default main
order gantt order [Gantt Only] gantt chart's order
style object [Gantt & Calendar] react style object of calendar
events array [Gantt & Calendar] events
  • In Example
content: {
          title: `Calendar ${i}`,
          type: i % 2 ? 'main' : 'sub',
          order: i,
          style: {
            color: self.randomColor(),
            padding: '5px'
Property type Description
id string [Gantt & Caldnear] this is schedule id key!
index number [Gantt & Caldnear] this is schedule's index of schedule array
title string [Gantt & Calendar] this is schedule title
style object [Gantt & Calendar] style of schedule block
startDate string [Gantt & Calendar] when the schedule start
endDate string [Gantt & Calendar] when the schedule end
  • In Example
  "index": i,
  "title": `${content.title}-Schedule-${i}`,
  "style": {
    "color": "#fff",
  "startDate": `2019-12-${Math.min(sDate, eDate).pad(2)}T00:${Math.min(sDate, eDate).pad(2)}:00.000Z`,
  "endDate": `2019-12-${Math.max(sDate, eDate).pad(2)}T00:00:00.000`,


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


GiPyeong Lee - @gipyeong -

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