Gather download stats by platform (win32, darwin, linux) from GitHub Releases data
Use this module to answer these questions:
- How many times has your macOS app been downloaded?
- How many times has your Windows app been downloaded?
- How many times has your Linux app been downloaded?
npm install github-releases-download-counts
This module exports a single function that expects an array of release objects.
const count = require('github-releases-download-counts')
const releases = [{}, {}, {}] // releases data from the GitHub API
const counts = count(releases)
The result looks like this:
total: 5494506,
darwin: 668182,
win32: 957265,
linux: 1477074
It includes the total download count of all assets, as well as download counts by platform. See the platform-utils module to get a sense of how platform-specific assets are detected.
If you want download counts for a specific release, just stick it in an array:
const counts = count([releases[0]])
This module doesn't actually fetch release data from GitHub. Here's an example of how you could do that:
const octokit = require('@octokit/rest')()
const count = require('github-releases-download-counts')
async function main(owner, repo) {
const {data: releases} = await octokit.repos.getReleases({
per_page: 100
npm install
npm test