Pets.nvim is a plugin that provides the missing core functionality of showing little animal friends inside your editor. It relies on the kitty graphics protocol and hologram.nvim to be able to display images in a terminal window. As you might know the plugin is heavily inspired by vscode-pets. If you like the art for the pets, check out the Credits section.
This plugin relies on hologram.nvim to display the images, and shares all of its limitations. Here are the most significant ones:
- Only works with terminal emulators that support the kitty graphics protocol To be more precise the only terminal I tested where I was able to have the protocol working correctly is kitty itself.
- Doesn't currently work inside tmux
Install with your favorite package manager!
With packer:
requires = {
With lazy:
dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "giusgad/hologram.nvim" },
And then call
-- your options here
Note: if you want to use the original
instead of my fork,replacegiusgad/hologram.nvim
. My fork for now only fixes errors with hologramauto_display = true
, and the plugin should not have any other issues with the original.
This is the default configuration:
row = 1, -- the row (height) to display the pet at (higher row means the pet is lower on the screen), must be 1<=row<=10
col = 0, -- the column to display the pet at (set to high number to have it stay still on the right side)
speed_multiplier = 1, -- you can make your pet move faster/slower. If slower the animation will have lower fps.
default_pet = "dog", -- the pet to use for the PetNew command
default_style = "brown", -- the style of the pet to use for the PetNew command
random = true, -- whether to use a random pet for the PetNew command, overrides default_pet and default_style
death_animation = true, -- animate the pet's death, set to false to feel less guilt -- currently no animations are available
popup = { -- popup options, try changing these if you see a rectangle around the pets
width = "30%", -- can be a string with percentage like "45%" or a number of columns like 45
winblend = 100, -- winblend value - see :h 'winblend' - only used if avoid_statusline is false
hl = { Normal = "Normal" }, -- hl is only set if avoid_statusline is true, you can put any hl group instead of "Normal"
avoid_statusline = false, -- if winblend is 100 then the popup is invisible and covers the statusline, if that
-- doesn't work for you then set this to true and the popup will use hl and will be spawned above the statusline (hopefully)
These are all the available commands:
PetsNew {name}
: creates a pet with the style and type defined by the configuration, and name {name}PetsNewCustom {type} {style} {name}
: creates a new pet with type, style and name specified in the commandPetsList
: prints the names of all the pets that are currently alivePetsKill {name}
: kills the pet with given name, which will immediately blink out of existence. Forever.PetsKillAll
: kills all the pets, poor creatures. Works just as PetsKill but for every pet.PetsRemove
but without animation.PetsPauseToggle
: pause/resume animations for all pets, leaving them on screen as cute little statuesPetsHideToggle
: pause the animation for all pets and hide them / show all the pets again and resume animationsPetsIdleToggle
: basically a do-not-disturb mode, pets are still animated but do not move around
- If the pet is not at the height you desire change the
option (higher row means the pet is displayed lower on the screen) - If you're seeing a square around the pets, try setting
. If you're still seeing it try settingwinblend
to 0 or using a custom highlight group as shown above and in #8. - If you don't see the pet at all checkout the limitations and try changing the row value.
Pet | Styles |
dog | brown, black, gray, beige |
slime | green, pink, orange, blue |
clippy | black, brown, green, yellow |
cockatiel | gray |
crab | red |
mod | purple |
rocky | gray |
rubber duck | yellow |
snake | green |
zappy | yellow |
- The dog assets were created by NVPH Studio. All the details about the license can be found here.
- The slime was created by me (for now it follows the MIT license):)
- The Clippy, Rocky, Zappy, rubber duck, snake, cockatiel, Ferris the crab, and Mod the dotnet bot assets were created by Marc Duiker for vscode-pets (license).
- The old cat assets were designed by SeethingSwarm.
A big thanks to everyone that helped, helps or will help the project!
Note that the repo was deleted and recreated in order to remove some of the old cat assets that were still visible in the cache of some pull requests.