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Publish single or multilayer visualizations

Juan Carlos Méndez edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 4 revisions

You can create single or multilayers CartoDB visualizations from QGIS

Supported Styles

  • Styles: Single symbol, categorized and graduated.
  • Simple fill.
  • Borders style: (solid line, no pen, dash line, dot line, dash dot line and dash dot dot line).
  • Simple lines.
  • Line and border join styles: (bevel, miter and round).
  • Line and border line width.
  • Simple markers: (fill, size, outline width).
  • Layer transparency.
  • Feature blending mode.

Tutorial: Create a Single layer Visualization

In the following example we are going to publish a visualization using categorized styling.

Add CartoDB layer

  • Click "Add CartoDB Layer" from From QgisCartoDB's Toolbar

Add CartoDB Layer

  • Select one of the layers from your CartoDB account. In the following example "world_borders" is selected

Select layer

  • QgisCartoDB automatically downloads the dataset from CartoDB and adds a new layer to your Qgis Project:

New layer


  • You can use QGIS to apply different types of symbology to the underlying data. In this tutorial, we will explore some basics of styling. Right click on the layer and choose ‘Properties’.

Layer Properties

  • The various styling options are located in the ‘Style’ tab of the Properties dialog.


  • Click on the drop-down button inthe Style dialog, you will see there are four options available. Select Categorized. Select the column "subregion" and the color ramp of your preference. You can also change layer transparency


  • Click apply or ok. You will see different countries appearing in different colors according to the "subregion" attribute.


Publish map on CartoDB

  • From QgisCartoDB toolbox select "Create New Map"

Create new map

  • Type the title for your map and add move the layer "world_borders" from "available layers" to "Map Layers". Then Click "Create".

Create map dialog

  • You will see the message "Map Created" after publishing process is completed.

Map Creation ok

  • You will find the new map on your CartoDB account.
    (By default your map is created using the privacy option "With link").

New Map on CartoDB

  • You can upload map settings using CartoDB Editor

CartoDB Editor

  • Done! Your new map is available on the web. (You can get the link or embed code using the "publish" button of CartoDB Editor)

CartoDB Editor

Public Map