Download and install Quest games from ROOKIE Public Mirror (like VRP Rookie Sideloader but for Linux and MacOS).
paru -S qrookie-vrp
nix profile install github:glaumar/nur#qrookie
Modify your flake.nix like:
# flake.nix
inputs.glaumar_repo = {
url = "github:glaumar/nur";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# ...
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.HOSTNAME = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(final: prev: {
glaumar_repo = inputs.glaumar_repo.packages."${prev.system}";
# ...
Then you can use pkgs.glaumar_repo.qrookie
in your other configuration modules.
Now there is only a flatpak package, which can run on almost all linux distributions, including SteamOS (Steam Deck).
See releases.
See releases.
The MacOS Bundle is automatically built using a github action and is not signed or notarized
The MacOS Bundle does not include java runtime. If you want to use the rename pkg
function, you need to install the java runtime additionally:
brew install java
sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk
If you don’t know nix at all, we don’t recommend using this method to install QRookie.
More than 3GB of data may be downloaded during the first installation
Install nix: We recommend using the graphical installer for installation. (From here you can find more ways to install nix on MacOS)
Install QRookie using flake:
nix profile install --impure github:glaumar/nur#qrookie \
--extra-experimental-features nix-command \
--extra-experimental-features flakes
ln -s ~/.nix-profile/Applications/ /Applications
Refer to NixOS configuration
QRookie currently does not support install.txt
. Some games may fail to install or may not run after installation. You can find the downloaded games in:
(ArchLinux、 NixOS)~/.var/app/io.github.glaumar.QRookie/data/QRookie/
(Flatpak)~/Library/Application Support/QRookie
and manually install them (Howto: Sideload Manually).
No, QRookie does not provide any games. It is just a downloader that downloads games from public servers. QRookie does not know what it is downloading, and it does not check whether the downloaded content is a legitimate game or a virus. To ensure the safety of your VR device, please do not use QRookie .
sudo pacman -S gcc cmake qt6-base qt6-declarative qcoro-qt6 kirigami extra-cmake-modules qqc2-breeze-style xdg-utils p7zip android-tools
Some packages need to be downloaded from AUR
paru -S android-sdk-build-tools android-apktool
# build
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='Release' -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/usr'
cmake --build build --target QRookie
# run
# install (not recommended)
cmake --install build
flatpak install \
flatpak-builder build_flatpak io.github.glaumar.QRookie.yml --force-clean
flatpak-builder build_flatpak io.github.glaumar.QRookie.yml --force-clean --install --user
flatpak build-export export build_flatpak && flatpak build-bundle export QRookie.flatpak io.github.glaumar.QRookie --runtime-repo=
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
, then run
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
for more details, please refer to here
nix build
# run
# Create an shell that includes development tools and all dependencies
nix develop
# Then use CMake to build
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build --target qrookie
# run
nix run github:glaumar/QRookie
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
cd ./macOs/
# install dependencies, build and run
./ --open
We recommend using the graphical installer for installation.
For more details, see here
Some dependencies in Nix are not supported on Darwin, but they can actually run if you force them to compile.
nix build --impure
# run
# Create an shell that includes development tools and all dependencies
nix develop --impure
# Then use CMake to build
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build --target qrookie
# run
nix run --impure github:glaumar/QRookie