Questions and Answers Thinknetica RoR advanced course application.
This app based on main idea of stackoverflow: people can ask questions and create answers for them, created for lerning how some gems and technologies works.
Features: Actions mostly works without reload (ajax). New records appears on page without reload for all users.
Ruby & Rails version
- ruby 2.6.3
- rails 5.2.3
- gem 'devise'
- gem 'omniauth'
- gem 'omniauth-github'
- gem 'omniauth-vkontakte'
Authorization with Policies
- gem cancancan
App has REST API
- gem 'active_model_serializers'
- gem 'doorkeeper'
Attach files to questions/answers with saving on cloud storage
- gem 'aws-sdk-s3'
Background jobs (like email)
- active job
- gem 'sidekiq'
- gem 'whenever'
Redis for sidekiq and caching
- Fragment caching (Russian doll caching)
- gem 'redis-rails'
Sphinx search (fulltext search)
- gem 'thinking-sphinx'
Test Driven Development (application is fully covered by tests: 496 specs)
- gem 'rspec-rails'
- gem 'factory_bot_rails'
- gem 'shoulda-matchers'
Feature (acceptance) testing with JS
- gem 'capybara'
Views written on Slim & Bootstrap
- gem 'slim-rails'
- gem 'bootstrap'
Nested forms
- gem 'cocoon'
PostgreSQL as main db
- gem 'pg'
Ready to deploy
- gem 'capistrano'
Different production webserver
- gem 'unicorn'
- gem 'passenger'
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
- Postgres
- Redis
- Sidekiq
- WebSockets
- Sphinx
Development instructions (how to run on local machine) System requirements
- Unix like OS
- Redis (
- Sphinx (
- PostgreSQL (
- MySQL (
Config files (copy and edit this files from .sample):
- config/database.yml
- congig/credentials.yml
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rake ts:index
Using App:
Run tests: