Tiny crawler hacked to build a csv dataset out of circleci API. Build to retrieve all logs from pytorch/pytorch repository.
It contains two scripts, circleci.js
for fetching the main dataset and storing it into mongodb, circleci_export_jobs.js
to export nested tasks from the mongo database into a plain CSV file.
Be sure to have nodejs+npm installed and mongodb up and running. In the project root:
npm install
export CIRCLECI_TOKEN=\<your circleci api token\> node circleci.js
mongoexport --db circleci --collection builds --fieldFile fields --csv --out builds.csv
node --max-old-space-size=8192 circleci_export_jobs.js
You will obtain a builds.csv
and a jobs.csv
files. The jobs are the subtasks run during the builds and can be joined through the build_num