simple-virtuoso-migrate is very simple. The best way to understand how it works is installing and using it.
You can install it by :
$ pip install simple-virtuoso-migrate
Now, copy the file to Python library directory. After installing, for usage tips type:
$ virtuoso-migrate --help
virtuoso-migrate is an ontology versioning and migration tool inspired on simple-db-migrate.
This tool helps you to manage and track your ontology changes.
The main difference between simple-db-migrate and this tool is that while simple-db-migrate uses multiple migrations files, virtuoso-migrate basically deals with versions (git tags) of one single ttl file. The migrations (i.e., actions to be performed) are inferred through the comparison of two versions of the ttl file.
A little explanation about load options:
-g <version> Use this option to evolve your ontology. Inform the ontology version You want to go to.
It will compare the current version of the ontology with the target one and infer the operations
needed to equalize them.
$ virtuoso-migrate -c /projects/confs/confg.cnf -g 2.0.0
-a <file_name> Use this option when you want to load data into your graph in the form of a ttl file.
$ virtuoso-migrate -c /projects/confs/config.cnf -i /projects/dumps/load.ttl
The command above loads the content of a given file into the database without any verification.
Debugging a migration performed through the migration process:
--showsparql Use this option to make Virtuoso-migrate show all the commands that
were executed on the database. It increases the output messages
Similarly, you can showing SPARQL queries without executing them:
$ virtuoso-migrate -c /projects/confs/config.cnf -i /projects/dumps/load.ttl --showsparql
--showsparqlonly Use this option to make simple-virtuoso-migrate show all the comands but without executing them.
It doesn't make any changes.
$ virtuoso-migrate -c /projects/confs/loads.cnf -i /projects/dumps/loads.ttl --showsparqlonly
Note: If no load is specified it will migrate to the last version of your ontology.
You can create a configuration file and inform it at command line using "-c <file.conf>" or you can just inform parameters directly ate command line. The options are:
DATABASE_HOST Virtuoso instance host's name
DATABASE_USER Your database login name
DATABASE_PASSWORD Your database password.
In some cases you will not want to write database passwords in the config files
(e.g. production databases passwords). You can configure the password to be asked
for you in the command line setting up this parameter with "<<ask_me>>".
DATABASE_PORT Virtuoso isql's port
DATABASE_ENDPOINT Sparql endpoit address . "http://localhost:8890/sparql"
DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_DIR Absolute path of the ontology ttl file.
DATABASE_ONTOLOGY Ontology ttl file name.
VIRTUOSO_DIRS_ALLOWED This option exists to be used with "-a" option. It must be the same directory
configured for the Virtuoso Server in the parameter DirsAlowed of virtuoso.ini.
MIGRATION_GRAPH Name of the graph that keeps migration's information.
RUN_AFTER Path of a python script that is invoked after the migration is executed.
RUN_AFTER_PARAMS The value of this property can be retrieved as-it-is from the run_after script.
Migration history is kept on the graph
Data properties description:
owl#versionInfo Ontology version
produto Product name (i.e, graph name)
origem <-m / -i >
commited When the migration was performed
endpoint Sparql endpoint used
usuario Username used
ambiente Virtuoso instance name
Listing all migrations performed on graph during the period between 2012-06-30 and 2012-07-03 (using xsd:dateTime)
PREFIX mig: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?source ?endpoint ?user ?env ?when
?s ?p ?o;
mig:produto '';
mig:origen ?source;
mig:commited ?when;
mig:endpoint ?endpoint;
mig:ambiente ?env;
mig:usuario ?user.
FILTER ( ?when > "2012-06-30T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime &&
?when < "2012-07-03T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ).
} ORDER BY ?when
That's it. Enjoy!