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Giorgos Michaelides edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 14 revisions


All controls inherit from the abstract class AControl which has the following properties and methods.

  Rendering.Sprite Sprite { get; set; }
  IText Text { get; set; }
  ViewEvents Events { get; set; }
  RenderParameters RenderParameters { get; set; }
  IRenderStyle Style { get; set; }
  Settings.Options Options { get; set; }
  Region Region { get; set; }
  Padding Padding { get; set; }   

  virtual void Align(Region viewPort)
  virtual void Update(double deltaTime)
  virtual void Render(SpriteBatch batch, RenderTemplate template)

  IDisposable AddTransformation(ITransformation transformation)


The control's style is controlled by a class that implements the abstract ARenderStyle.

To define your own style, you need to override the following properties

    virtual Func<AControl, ITransformation> FocusStyle
        get { return control => new NoTransformation(); }
    virtual Func<AControl, ITransformation> DefaultStyle
        get { return control => new NoTransformation(); }
    virtual Func<AControl, ITransformation> HoverStyle
        get { return control => new NoTransformation(); }
    virtual Func<AControl, ITransformation> ClickedStyle
        get { return control => new NoTransformation(); }

When instantiating a new control, u can use the Styles.Style class to specify the style.

           Style.ColorMap(Color defaultColor,
                          Color colorMap)
           Style.CustomisedTransparent(float focusedAlpha,
                                       float hoverAlpha, 
                                       float defaultAlpha)


The TransparentControlStyle changes the control's alpha channel when an event is fired. By changing the TransparentControlStyle's properties you can make your own effect.

    public float FocusAlpha { get; set; }

    public float HoverAlpha { get; set; }

    public float DefaultAlpha { get; set; }

    public float AlphaLerpStep { get; set; }

Transform a control

You can easily transform a control (region render parameters) by adding an intance of ITransformation.

 IDisposable AddTransformation(ITransformation transformation)

The disposable holds the reference to the list and the current transformation. Disposing it causes the effect to stop.

There are two predefined transformations.

  • The PredicateTransformation is instantiated with a predicate that causes the transformation to expire and an action that performs the actual transformation.

       public PredicateTransformation(Predicate<ITransformable> expirationPredicate, 
                                      Action<double, ITransformable> transformer)
       button.AddTransformation(new PredicateTransformation(
                                control=> control.Region.Position.X==0.0f,
                                (deltaTime,control)=> control.RegionPosition.X--);
  • The TimedTransformation is instantiated with a value that indicates how long the transformation occurs in seconds before it expires and an action that performs the actual transformation.

      public TimedTransformation(double duration, 
                                 Action<double, ITransformable> transformer)


Each control has an optional IText instance which represents the controls' readable label. The IText has the following members

    event EventHandler<TextEventArgs> OnTextChanged;
    Region Region { get;  }
    Padding Padding { get; }
    SpriteFont Font { get; }
    string Value { get; set; }        
    IRenderStyle RenderStyle { get;  }        
    RenderParameters RenderParameters { get; }
    Alignment.AlignmentContext Alignment { get; }


The AlignmentContext has the text to control alignment properties. Alignment is performed when a control changes size or manualy.

    IHorizontalAlignable HorizontalAlignment { get; set; }
    IVerticalAlignable VerticalAlignment { get; set; }
    IAlignmentTransition Transition { get; set; }

The Alignments can be instantiated buy a static property in the HorizontalAlignment / VerticalAlignment class. Defaults are the Manual alignments.

IAlignmentTransition describes how a transition is performed when an alignment occurs. It can be either FixedTransition() which the text takes the alignment position directly, or SmoothTransition() which makes the text "move" towards the aligned position.

Additionally you can implement IVerticalAlignable or IHorizontalAlignable for your own alignment logic.

Defined Alignments

	HorizontalAlignment.RelativeTo(Func<float> relativeX)

	VerticalAlignment.RelativeTo(Func<float> relativeY)


Events can respond to touch / mouse / keyboard / gamepad. It is decided by the AggregationTarget passed to the GemGui's constructor. If the hardware doesn't support it then nothing happens.

    event GotFocus;
    event LostFocus;
    event Clicked;
    event GotMouseCapture;
    event LostMouseCapture;

enum AggregationTarget
    None = 0,
    Mouse = 1,
    Keyboard = 2,
    GamePad = 4,
    Touch = 8,
    All = Mouse | Keyboard | GamePad | Touch


    bool IsVisible { get; set; }

    bool IsEnabled { get; set; }

    bool IsHoverEnabled { get; set; }

    public bool IsFocusEnabled { get; set; }

    public bool AllowTransformations { get; set; }


A style has render style parameters an instance of IControlDrawable and ITextDrawable which renders using spriteBatch and render instructions upon multiple events

    event EventHandler<EventArgs> OnScaleChange;

    Vector2 Origin { get; set; }

    Color Color { get; set; }

    Vector2 Scale { get; set; } 
    float Transparency { get; set; }  
    float Layer { get; set; }

    float Rotation { get; set; }

    SpriteEffects SpriteEffect { get; set; }


A Control may hold multiple sprites. Each sprite instance defines two properties and a readonly sprite container.

     Texture2D Texture { get;} }
     Rectangle? SourceRectangle { get; }

You can add a new sprite to the container by using

    bool Add(string spriteId,
             Texture2D texture,
             Rectangle? sourceRectangle = null)

and switch to the new sprite with

    bool SwitchSprite(string spriteId = "default")

Control Aggregation

Controls are aggregated using IAggregator instances

interface IAggregator
    bool IsEnabled { get; set; }

    void Aggregate(GuiEntry entry, AggregationContext context);

The MouseControlAggregator aggregates gui entries using mouse coordinates from InputManager.Mouse which is an instance of MouseInputHelper

The ScriptAggregator

   class ScriptAggregator<TInputHelper> : IAggregator  
         where TInputHelper : Input.IInputHelper

uses delegates to handle the events

    public ScriptAggregator(TInputHelper inputHelper,
                            Func<TInputHelper,bool> next, 
                            Func<TInputHelper,bool> previous, 
                            Func<TInputHelper,bool> trigger)

Keyboard aggregator uses the ScriptAggregator in combination with the KeyboardInputKeys for keyboard GamePadInputButtons for gamepad which is located in InputManager.

    public Keys Right { get; set; }

    public Keys Left { get; set; }

    public Keys Next { get; set; }

    public Keys Previous { get; set; }

    public Keys Trigger { get; set; }

You can change the Keys to add your own control enumeration logic.

If you want to change how the controls are aggregated, you can resolve your own IAggregator via an implementation of IConfigurationResolver at the GemGui's constructor

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