Try GNfinder
online or learn about its API.
Very fast finder of scientific names. It uses dictionary and NLP approaches. On modern multiprocessor laptop it is able to process 15 million pages per hour. Works with many file formats and includes names verification against many biological databases. For full functionality it requires an Internet connection.
is also awailable via web or
as a RESTful API.
Zenodo DOI can be used to cite GNfinder.
- Multiplatform app (supports Linux, Windows, Mac OS X).
- Self-contained, no external dependencies, only binary
(~15Mb) is needed. However the internet connection is required for name-verification. - Includes REST API and web-based User Interface.
- Takes UTF8-encoded text and returns back CSV, TSV or JSON-formatted output that contains detected scientific names.
- Extracts text from PDF files, MS Word, MS Excel, HTML, XML, RTF, JPG, TIFF, GIF etc. files for names-detection.
- Downloads web-page from a given URL for names-detection.
- Optionally, automatically detects the language of the text, and adjusts Bayes algorithm for the language. English and German languages are currently supported.
- Uses complementary heuristic and natural language processing algorithms.
- Optionally verifies found names against multiple biodiversity databases using gnindex service.
- Detection of nomenclatural annotations like
sp. nov.
,comb. nov.
,ssp. nov.
,nom. nov.
and their variants. - Ability to see words that surround detected name-strings.
- The library can be used concurrently to significantly improve speed. On a server with 40threads it is able to detect names on 50 million pages in approximately 3 hours using both heuristic and Bayes algorithms. Check bhlindex project for an example.
Homebrew on Mac OS X, Linux, and Linux on Windows (WSL2)
Homebrew is a popular package manager for Open Source software originally developed for Mac OS X. Now it is also available on Linux, and can easily be used on MS Windows 10 or 11, if Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is installed.
Note that Homebrew requires some other programs to be installed, like Curl,
Git, a compiler (GCC compiler on Linux, Xcode on Mac). If it is too much,
go to the Linux and Mac without Homebrew
Install Homebrew according to their instructions.
with:brew tap gnames/gn brew install gnfinder # to upgrade brew upgrade gnfinder
AUR package is located at
Install it by hand, or with AUR helpers like yay
or pacaur
yay -S gnfinder
# or
pacaur -S gnfinder
consists of just one executable file, so it is pretty easy to
install it by hand. To do that download the binary executable for your
operating system from the latest release.
Move gnfinder
executable somewhere in your PATH
(for example /usr/local/bin
sudo mv path_to/gnfinder /usr/local/bin
It is possible to use GNfinder
natively on Windows, without Homebrew or
Linux installed.
One possible way would be to create a default folder for executables and place
Use Windows+R
combination and type "cmd
". In the appeared terminal window type:
mkdir C:\bin
copy path_to\gnfinder.exe C:\bin
Add C:\bin
directory to your PATH
environment variable.
Install Go v1.19 or higher.
git clone
cd gnfinder
make tools
make install
When you run gnfinder
command for the first time, it will create a
configuration file.
This file should be located in the following places:
MS Windows: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\gnfinder.yml
Mac OS: $HOME/.config/gnfinder.yml
Linux: $HOME/.config/gnfinder.yml
This file allows to set options that will modify behaviour of GNfinder
according to your needs. It will spare you to enter the same flags for the
command line application again and again.
Command line flags will override the settings in the configuration file.
It is also possible to setup environment variables. They will override the settings in both the configuration file and from the flags.
Settings | Environment variables |
DataSources | GNF_DATA_SOURCES |
Format | GNF_FORMAT |
Language | GNF_LANGUAGE |
TokensAround | GNF_TOKENS_AROUND |
WithVerification | GNF_WITH_VERIFICATION |
WithoutBayes | GNF_WITHOUT_BAYES |
can be found at
API is located at
Best source for API usage is its documenation.
If you want to start your own API endpoint (for example on localhost
, port
8080) use:
gnfinder -p 8080
curl localhost:8080/api/v1/ping
To upload a file and detect names from its content:
curl -v -F verification=true -F file=@/path/to/test.txt
To see flags and usage:
gnfinder --help
# or just
To see the version of its binary:
gnfinder -V
Starting as a web-application and an API server on port 8080
gnfinder -p 8080
Getting names from a UTF8-encoded file without remote Tika service.
# -U flag prevents use of remote Apache Tika service for file conversion to
# UTF8-encoded plain text
# -U flag is optional, but it removes unnecessary remote call to Tika.
gnfinder file_with_names.txt -U
Getting names from a UTF8-encoded file in tab-separated values (TSV) format
gnfinder file_with_names.txt -U -f tsv
Getting names from a file that is not a plain UTF8-encoded text
gnfinder file.pdf
Getting names from a URL
Getting unique names from a file in JSON format. Disables -w
gnfinder file_with_names.txt -u -f pretty
Getting names from a file in JSON format, and using jq
to process JSON
gnfinder file_with_names.txt -f compact | jq
Getting data from a pipe forcing English language and verification
echo "Pomatomus saltator and Parus major" | gnfinder -v -l eng
echo "Pomatomus saltator and Parus major" | gnfinder --verify --lang eng
Limit matches to NCBI
and Encyclopedia of Life
. For
the list of data source ids go to gnverifier's data sources page.
echo "And Parus major" | gnfinder -v -l eng -s "4,12"
echo "And Parus major" | gnfinder --verify --lang eng --sources "4,12"
Preserve uninomial names that are also common words.
echo "Cancer is a genus" | gnfinder -A
echo "America is also a genus" | gnfinder --ambiguous-uninomials
Show all matches, not only the best result.
echo "Pomatomus saltator and Parus major" | gnfinder -M
echo "Pomatomus saltator and Parus major" | gnfinder --all-matches
Show all matches, but only for selected data-sources.
echo "Pomatomus saltator and Parus major" | gnfinder -M -s 1,12
Adjusting Prior Odds using information about found names. They are calculated as "found names number / (capitalized words number - found names number)". Such adjustment will decrease Odds for texts with very few names, and increase odds for texts with a lot of found names.
gnfinder -a -d -f pretty file_with_names.txt
Returning 5 words before and after found name-candidate. This flag does is ignored if unique names are returned.
gnfinder -w 5 file_with_names.txt
gnfinder --words-around 5 file_with_names.txt
Getting data from a file and redirecting result to another file
gnfinder file1.txt > file2.json
Detection of nomenclatural annotations
echo "Parus major sp. n." | gnfinder
Returning found names positions in the number of bytes from the beginning of the text instead of the number of UTF-8 characters
echo "Это Parus major" | gnfinder -b
There is also a tutorial about processing many PDF files in parallel.
import (
func Example() {
txt := `Blue Adussel (Mytilus edulis) grows to about two
inches the first year,Pardosa moesta Banks, 1892`
cfg := gnfinder.NewConfig()
dictionary := dict.LoadDictionary()
weights := nlp.BayesWeights()
gnf := gnfinder.New(cfg, dictionary, weights)
res := gnf.Find(txt)
name := res.Names[0]
"Name: %s, start: %d, end: %d",
// Output:
// Name: Mytilus edulis, start: 13, end: 29
docker pull gnames/gnfinder
# run GNfinder server, and map it to port 8888 on the host machine
docker run -d -p 8888:8778 --name gnfinder gnames/gnfinder
gnfinder-plus allows to work with MS Docs and PDF files without remote
services (requires local install of poppler
bhlindex creates an index of scientific names for Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).
bhlnames adds synonymy and currently accepted names to searches in BHL, connects publications to pages in BHL.
To install the latest GNfinder
git clone
cd gnfinder
make tools
make install
From the root of the project:
make tools
# run make install for CLI testing
make install
To run tests go to the root directory of the project and run
go test ./...
make test